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7 Gear-Up Simple Present Tense Worksheet Sets

This simple present tense worksheet accompaniment provides exercises at all levels to complete the main lesson: ‘Master The Simple Present Tense in Hindi‘, and the practice examples lesson: ‘100 Sentences of Simple Present Tense in Hindi‘.

You could perhaps first review the main lessons for improved performance on this simple present tense worksheet exercises and to gain a thorough grounding on the rules, usage, and observation of over 100 simple present tense examples.

As a quick reference guide, use this chart that encapsulates the ground rules of simple present tense.


Worksheet Activity English Level Guide

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Present Tense Worksheet Activities

A1 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet for Class 3, 2, and 1

Animals make adorable sounds, don’t they? Do you know what sounds they make? Try this little quiz and find out!

A1-A2 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet with 9 animals in the image
1. Ducks ____.quack
2. Dogs ____.bark
3. Frogs ____.croak
4. Lions ____.roar
5. Donkeys ____.bray
6. Squirrels ____.chitter/chatter
7. Snakes ____.hiss
8. Monkeys ____.chatter
9. Cats ____.meow/purr
A2 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet for Class 3

A2 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet for Class 3

Choose the answers from the following:

Maybe you know the sounds animals make but do you some other smart things they do? Find out!

A2 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet for Class 3 Answer key
1. Monkeys ____ from one tree to another.
2. Squirrels ____ playfully up the tree.
3. Ducks ____ smoothly in the pond.
4. Snakes ____ in the grass.
5. Cats ____ contentedly on the windowsill.
6. Frogs ____ loudly near the pond.
7. Lions ____ fiercely in the forest.
8. Donkeys ____ loudly on the farm.
9. Dogs ____ balls in the park.
A2 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet for Class 3

Answer Key

1. jump2. hop/scamper3. swim/glide
4. hide/slither5. purr/meow6. croak
7. roar8. bray9. fetch/catch
A2 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet for Class 3 Answer key

B1 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet.1

Look at the picture, use the verb pool provided and fill in the answers.

B1 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet. Interactive picture based FIB activity showing a set of colored clay masks on a wall.
1. The artist ____ colorful masks.
2. He ____ clay to make them.
3. Sometimes, he ____ paper mâché masks too.
4. He ____ them as wall decor.
5. He ____ them brightly.
6. Mostly, he ____ animal masks.
7. At times, he ____ up with human masks too.
8. Some children ____ them scary-looking.
9. People ____ him well for his art pieces.
B1 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet.1

Answer Key

1. crafts2. uses3. makes4. sells
5. colors6. creates7. comes8. find9. pay
B1 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet.1 Answer key

B1 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet.2

This is a scene that you would see in any family with two little kids!

Use the verbs provided in the table below to complete the sentences in the simple present tense.

gocalm downenjoy
We are a brother and sister.6. Then, we ____ together.
We are siblings. We have so much fun!7. But if she ____ hurt, she cries.
1. I ____ my baby sister.8. Then, I ____ her a candy.
2. She ____ with me all day.9. She ____ after getting the candy.
3. She ____ to sit on my back.10. My parents ____ me for dropping her.
4. I ____ giving her a piggy-back ride.11. But I ____ good care of my little sister.
5. Sometimes, she ____ off my back.12. We ____ from room to room this way.
B1 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet.2

Answer Key

1. love2. plays3. likes4. enjoy
5. falls6. laugh7. gets8. offer
9. calms down10. scold11. take12. go
B1 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet.2 Answer key

B1 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet.3

Use verbs in image to describe this karate scene for simple present tense worksheet.

Use the verbs provided in the image or table below to complete the sentences in the simple present tense.

SpeakFeel happyReturnPractice
PunchShow respectLearnListen
Suggested verbs for FIB practice
1. We ____ for the next Karate class excitedly.
2. We ____ attentively to our Karate master’s instructions.
3. Every week, we ____ Karate with our friends.
4. The group ____ during practice with focus and determination.
5. I ____ ready for practice along with my friends.
6. Sometimes, we ____ after intense Karate sessions.
7. Before starting, we ____ to our Karate master.
8. We ____ every moment of our Karate training.
9. The class ____ new Karate techniques.
10. We ____ our belts securely before Karate class.
11. We ____ by following our master’s guidance.
12. Through practice, the students steadily ____ their skills.
13. After each class, she ____ happy and accomplished.
14. She ____ respectfully to our master.
B1 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet.3

Answer Key

1. return2. listen3. practice4. punches5. stand
6. tire7. bow8. enjoy9. learns10. tie
11. showrespect12. improve13. feels14. speaks
B1 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet.3 Answer key

B2 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet.1

The image below for the simple present tense exercise is a throwback to the days when there were no digital cameras. However, you could get familiar with how photographers worked those days!

Do not refer to the verbs below for the picture exercise below unless you really need help to fill the blanks!

inspectsremovestears up
B2 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet. Interactive picture based FIB activity with a lady's hand holing up a photo negative reel.
1. The photographer ____ the film roll into the camera.
2. She ____ the focus before snapping the shot.
3. She carefully ____ the scene in the viewfinder.
4. She ____ the moment with precision and patience.
5. She ____ the film after each exposure.
6. She ____ the film in the darkroom.
7. She meticulously ____ each negative for quality.
8. She ____ the selected photographs onto paper.
9. She carefully ____ the prints by hand.
10. She ____ the final images to clients or exhibits them in galleries
B2 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet.1

Answer Key

1. loads2. adjusts3. composes4. captures5. winds
6. develops7. inspects8. prints9. tones10. presents
B2 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet.1 Answer key

B2 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet.2

If you have a dog at home, the answers will spring to your mind fast. If you don’t have one, think of your friend’s, neighbor’s, or the ones on the street!

B1 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet. Interactive picture based FIB activity of dog with a human's finger on its lips

Choose from these answer sets. Better yet, think of filling up on your own!

barks – feels – apologizes
struggles – barks – disturbs
bothers – apologizes
scares – apologizes
bond – disturbs
embarrasses – disrupts
barks – calming
calms – appreciate
trains – annoys
complain – trains

1. Dog ____ loudly; owner ____ calming.
2. Neighbors ____; owner ____ her dog quietly.
3. Owner ____; dog ____, ____ neighbors.
4. Barking dog ____ delivery boy; owner ____.
5. Dog ____ owner; dog’s barking ____ peace.
6. Dog’s barking ____ neighbors; owner ____.
7. Owner ____ dog, neighbors ____ efforts.
8. Dog ____, owner ____ embarrassed, ____ a lot.
9. Owner ____ dog; dog ____ neighbors by barking.
10. Owner and dog ____ though barking sometimes ____.
B2 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet.2

Answer Key

1. barks – tries6. bothers – apologizes
2. complain – trains7. calms – appreciate
3. struggles – barks – disturbs8. barks – feels – apologizes
4. scares – apologizes9. trains – annoys
5. embarrasses – disrupts10. bond – disturbs
B2 Level Simple Present Tense Worksheet.2 Answer key


EnglishGeni has given you comprehensive tutoring and practice for the simple present tense. We hope you have overcome your challenges with it. If you need more, click here! Move on to the next leg of learning then! Feel free to post your responses in the comments section below!

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Hina M.
Hina M.http://englishgeni.com
I'm a seasoned English trainer with a TESOL Professional Certification from Arizona State University, USA, and a Masters in Commerce from India. My professional journey has been a whirlwind of teaching, crafting curriculum, and mastering the art of words as an editor and advertising copywriter for over two decades. Plus, enjoyed a long-term American tie-up for a business venture, among other corporate leadership roles. In spite of my corporate success, my passion for education burns bright, combined with a deep desire to make quality English learning accessible to all Indians. EnglishGeni is my brainchild, born out of this desire.

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