With these twenty sets of 10 Simple Sentences for Kids as easy English starters, your child will soon breeze through everyday situations in perfect English. It’s bite-sized simple English sentences that have your kids’ English needs well covered, with bright images to boot!
It’s an exciting time for parents when a child starts making the first sentences. We join in your delight and make it easy for you to expose your child to English. We encourage you to look at these 10 simple sentences for kids sets as a time of joy with your child rather than “teaching-time”!
Congratulations parents on making an early start with introducing basic English at home with simple sentences for kids. Multiple studies and research efforts suggest that children have a great aptitude to pick up more than one language at home.
Unlike adults who mostly lose that ability, children can pick up multiple languages without confusion. If introduced in early years, they can be completely fluent in a language by 10 years of age, as confirmed by The Scientific American.
Research Insights for Bilingual Indians: Non-native English Speakers
Let’s recount a few important findings that explain how parents can be better involved with their kids’ intellectual growth.
- Children learn language entirely from the family and folks around them between ages 0-5.
- Language learning operates through observing social cues– if people are react, respond, and use a new language, children will pay attention too!
- Most Indian children and bilingual or even multilingual in their pre-school years, starting right at home.
- Repeat several times the same words and sentences if you want your child to learn a new language- English!
Why Introduce 10 Simple Sentences for Kids as Easy English Starters
Here are some powerful reasons why this article can be a great resource for parents and kids.
- In a child’s world, their everyday activities are everything! Their understanding of the world is very limited.
- Their emotions are also basic and get confused with complex words and long sentences.
- Bath time, meal time, playtime, rhyming time, visiting the park, walking the dog are NOT chores to kids but exciting events! So talk about them.
- Social situations like going to a doctor, talking to a teacher, or other strangers come later.
- Language patterns, or what adults call “grammar“, are picked up by kids only through repeated exposure and their own repetition.
EnglishGeni designs lessons prioritizing the science-backed language learning models. These are the reasons why English starters with simple sentences for kids are ideal.
Leveraging The Images at 10 Simple Sentences for Kids: Easy English Starters
The images in this EnglishGeni post are a key part of the learning process. The images are designed to serve as visual aids, visual stimuli, and mimic social cues as an important component of English language acquisition.
- The pictures do not serve as visual decorations.
- The images are meant to provoke conversation between parent and child on the learning content.
- Point to the picture and you would naturally be repeating the 10 simple sentences for kids.
- Let your child absorb the images, stay fascinated, point, talk, comment and laugh over the pictures.
- Do not try to rush to the next part of the post while your child is still engaging with the picture.
- Encourage that the child’s mind is grasping new information each day and processing it.
- Your child’s repeated requests for the same story or easy sentences in English is rooted in that aspect of language learning.
EnglishGeni grouped together easy sentences for kids such that both repetition and reinforcement happens naturally. Enjoy these simple English sentences along with the colorful pictures for each mini scenario!
Start With a Choosing Game: Your Child in the Driver’s Seat!
Children are always delighted to make choices! It’s a great feeling as they feel responsible and capable. This empowers them and fills them with positive energy! Since we are introducing a host of mini scenarios with simple English sentences, let’s start with a little game.
How To Play:
- The words simple, easy, small, short English sentences mean basically the same thing!
- However, children delight in every new word with equal enthusiasm.
- Rather than running through this lesson sequentially, ask your child to choose the words from: simple, easy, small, short English sentences.
- Skip to the Table of Contents or do a search (press Control F and type in) and then point to your child’s choice.
- Of course, it’s going to pop a different set of 10 simple sentences for kids and their matching images!
- Exclaim with appreciation for your child’s choice and acknowledge their curiosity about what came up!
Let’s get started now! …
1. Let’s Learn to Say Hello and More in 10 Simple Sentences for Kids
Kids are less shy when they know what to say when they meet new people. Be gentle as you teach them their first English sentences for kids!

Good morning!
How are you?
My name is …
But call me Laddu (pet name).
That’s my pet name!
What’s your name?
How old are you?
I am four years old.
Excuse me, please.
Thank you very much.
I’m sorry.
See you later.
Have a nice day!
Can I help you?
2. Let’s Talk About Playtime in 10 Simple Sentences for Kids
Every kid loves their playtime and toys. How about these basic English sentences then?
My toy is broken.
See my dolls!
I want a toy.
This is my crayon.
I want to color.
I play with blocks.
Let’s play together.
Let’s play tag!
Where’s my teddy bear?
My sister took my toy!
Let’s play dress-up!
Is it my turn now?
Some little ones can handle these sentences too! Try but let’s not push! : )
- Can I have a turn?
- I love playing with my friends.
- My favorite toy is a truck.
- I’m playing with my dolls.
Can I have a turn?
#EnglishGeni Tips
TIP# Make sure you teach kids to say, “Can I have a turn?” It’s a small sentence that goes a long way to teaching them social skills of waiting patiently for their chance to play and teaches them proper manners with sharing toys kindly with their playmates!
3. Let’s Talk About Weather in 10 Simple Sentences for Kids
How is the weather these days? No matter what, let’s make sure there are no bad days!
It’s so hot!
Daddy, I’m thirsty.
It’s too cold.
I need my blanket.
It’s raining outside.
Where’s my umbrella?
Look, it’s raining!
It stopped raining.
It’s too sunny.
The breeze is cool.
It’s beautiful.
4. Let’s Talk About Bugs and Creatures in 10 Simple Sentences for Kids
Isn’t the world full of amazing living beings, both big and small! Can you recognize our little friends in the image? Well, if you don’t, you soon will!
Look, a frog!
See, a bird!
Look there, a butterfly!
Look, it’s a caterpillar!
Wow, it’s a ladybug!
See, a ladybug!
Look at the butterflies!
Wow, it’s a bird’s nest!
Oh no, it’s a spider!
Can we go to the zoo?
I’m going to the zoo.
TIP# You can always expand “it’s” to “it is” or “I’m” to “I am” but native speakers of English often say the shortened way! These contracted forms are a natural way of expressing in spoken English.
5. Let’s Talk About Outdoor Fun in Simple English Sentences
It’s exciting for kids when you suggest going some place. Ask in English once they pick up these little simple English sentences and see how well they answer!
Can I play outside?
Let’s go outside.
Let’s go swimming.
Can we go to the park?
I’m going to the ice cream shop.
Can we go to the water park?
Can we go to the movies?
Daddy, can we go fishing?
I’m going to the playground.
Can we go to the circus?
TIP# Sometimes, kids surprise us with more than we can expect. Actually, many times. See if your child is ready for some bigger words below. Remember to use local names of places!
- Can we go to the carnival?
- I’m going to the aquarium.
- Can we go to the planetarium?
- Can we go to the amusement park (Wonderla)?
Remember to use the names of places where you live!
#EnglishGeni Tips
6. Let’s Talk About Where You Are Going in Simple English Sentences
Kids love to announce the little things they do because it excites them. Let them speak in their mother tongue(s) and English with these simple sentences.
I’m going home.
I’m going to my neighbor.
I’m going to the playschool.
I’m going to the store.
I’m going to visit Grandma.
I’m going to the park.
I’m going to the museum.
I’m going to the library.
I’m going to grandpa’s house.
I’m going to my village.
7. Let’s Talk About Where Things Are in Simple English Sentences
Don’t we all lose things from time to time? So do kids! Teach them to express themselves in these ways:
Where is it?
What’s this?
Where are you?
Where is my hat?
Where’s my phone?
Where’s my backpack?
Where’s my book?
Where’s the moon?
Where are my keys?
Where’s my favorite shirt?
Where’s my stuff gone?
TIP# Feel free to expand “Where’s” to “Where is” but we are trying to expose kids to natural English. And, this is how comfortable speakers of English often say! These contracted forms are a big part of spoken English.
8. Let’s Go with Simple English Sentences
We often talk about going somewhere, and one is ready, or one is waiting for the other. These short English sentences will help your child with such daily conversations.
Let’s go now.
I’m waiting for you.
Can you wait, please?
I’m busy right now.
Let’s wait a bit!
That’s okay.
No problem!
I’m tired, Daddy.
Shall we leave?
Shall we return?
Let’s go to bed.
Let’s read a book.
9. Let’s Talk About Nature with Short Sentences for Kids
Each day your child discovers something in nature to love. Let them keep pointing at the wonderful things all around us with these simple sentences for kids.
Look, a rainbow!
Look, it’s snowing!
Look at the moon!
Mama, look, a big tree!
Look at the stars!
It’s a red rose.
Jasmines are white.
Fruits are tasty!
Berries are yummy.
Oceans are blue.
It’s dark at night.
It’s bright in the day!
10. Let’s Talk About Time with Short Sentences for Kids
Even little kids understand that moms and dads are busy. Kids get it when you are in a rush or getting late. Now, let’s help them express their thoughts on time.
What time is it?
I don’t know.
Let’s Hurry!
I am late.
But I need the washroom.
Where’s the bathroom?
That way, please.
Thank you!
I’m going now.
I’m in a hurry.
Just a moment!
Please buck up!
I’ll be back soon.
11. Let’s Talk About Polite Manners with Short Sentences for Kids
Of course, “please” and “thank you” are the magic words with which little munchkins have adults wrapped around their fingers. Let’s teach them to use polite forms like “Can I…” instead of the rather blunt “I want..” all the time!
Please come in.
Please sit down.
Can you help me?
Can I come inside?
Can I use this book?
Can I play with your toy?
Can I have a bedtime story?
Can we have a picnic?
Can I have another cookie?
Can you call later, please?
Can we have a movie night?
Can we have a sleepover?
12. Let’s Talk About Learning New Things with Short Sentences for Kids
Ask any kid what they want to learn and they have a list in their little minds. Help them express those desires to learn and grow with these short English sentences.
I want to draw.
I want to paint.
I like to sing.
I want to make bubbles.
I want to ride my bike.
I want to eat neatly.
I want to sing new rhymes.
I want to learn to play piano.
I want to learn to ride a bike.
I want to learn to swim.
13. Let’s Talk About Using the Word LET’S with Easy Sentences for Kids
There are so many things we do together and we constantly use the word “let’s” to begin our sentences. Let’s answer the perennial question, “What shall we do?” using this word for these fun activities.
Let’s run.
Let’s skip.
Let’s paint.
Let’s spin.
Let’s jump rope.
Let’s watch TV.
Let’s go for a drive.
Let’s go for a run.
Let’s have a party.
Let’s play soccer!
Let’s have a dance party.
Let’s go the birthday party.
There is no end in sight to how many things we can talk about doing with “Let’s”. Some kids might enjoy and be able to say these English sentences which may be a tad much for the young little preschooler. Give it a short if it feels right to you!
- Let’s play hide-and-seek.
- Let’s make paper airplanes.
- Let’s have a craft day.
- Let’s have a puppet show.
- Let’s plant flowers in the garden.
- Let’s have a karaoke night.
- Let’s have a science experiment.
- Let’s have a treasure hunt.
- Let’s go on a nature walk.
- Let’s have a tea party.
14. Let’s Learn to Give Positive Responses with Easy Sentences for Kids
That’s incredible!
That’s so sweet.
That’s impossible.
That’s not fair.
That’s enough.
That’s amazing!
That’s interesting.
That’s too expensive!
That’s funny.
That’s fantastic!
I can’t believe it!
Goes without saying that you can always expand “That’s” to “That is” and “Can’t” to “cannot”! Say whatever comes naturally to you.
15. Let’s Talk About Food with Easy Sentences for Kids
Next to parents, most kids would choose food as their next big love! Pamper them with good food choices and help them say aloud their foody desires too. And, yes, we want to make sure they are turning out to be well-mannered kids who make polite requests for food!
I’m hungry, Mom.
What’s for dinner?
Let’s eat lunch.
Can I have a cookie?
Can we have ice cream?
I like cookies.
Can I have a snack?
Can I have a piece of cake?
Mom, can I have a snack?
Can I have juice?
My mom makes yummy food!
We wouldn’t cut down on expressing such happy little thoughts over food. So, here’s a bonus few more sentences on food!
- Can we have pizza for dinner?
- Mommy, can we bake cookies?
- Can we have biryani for dinner?
- Can we have pancakes for breakfast?
16. Let’s Talk About Big Dreams in Easy Sentences for Kids
Kids truly aim sky high! Encourage them to express their high hopes and ambitions freely with these short English sentences when someone pops the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”.
I want to be a good boy!
I want to be famous.
I want to be a chef.
I want to be a teacher.
I want to be a ballerina.
I want to be a pilot.
I want to be an artist.
I want to be an engineer.
I want to be a superhero!
I’m going to be a doctor.
Here are a few more since we know there are kids out there who are making up their minds about big ambitions!
- First, I want to learn to read.
- Look, it’s a firetruck!
- I want to be a movie star.
- I want to be a firefighter.
- I want to be an astronaut.
- I want to be a scientist.
- I want to be a police officer.
- I want to be a veterinarian.
- I want to be a dog rescuer.
- I want to be a choreographer.
17. Let’s Express Happy Feelings with Simple English Sentences for Kids
Young children are delightful little creatures themselves and they stay exuberant all day. Let them express their innate happiness with these nifty little English sentences. Should someone ask them , “How are you feeling today?”, pat comes the response with one of these, we hope.
I’m very happy.
I’m feeling happy.
I’m feeling like “Yeah!”
I’m so excited!
I’m feeling excited.
I’m excited for my birthday.
I’m feeling relaxed.
I’m feeling content.
I’m feeling grateful.
I’m feeling super-duper joyful!
18. Let’s Express Sad Feelings with 10 Simple Sentences for Kids
Kids have times when they feel sad for a while too. It could be over a broken toy, missing parents, a lost Lego block, whatever the reason, they should express it out loud! So, let’s go.
I’m tired.
Mommy, I’m bored.
I’m cross with you!
I’m not talking to you.
I’m feeling bored.
I’m feeling sad.
I’m feeling tired.
I’m feeling angry.
I’m feeling lonely.
I’m feeling confused.
I’m feeling worried.
I’m not feeling happy.
19. Let’s Talk About Sickness with Simple English Sentences for Kids
For those days when the children are down with the niggles or fevers or just not feeling right, help them express how they are faring with these simple English sentences when you ask them, “What’s the matter?”.
What’s the matter?
I’m feeling sick.
Mom, I’m sleepy.
I’m cold, Mommy.
I have a runny nose.
I love my blanket.
Did you get hurt?
I have a boo-boo on my knee!
I’m feeling better.
Can I get a hug?
Yes, sure, my child!
I’m feeling good now.
If your child enjoys dialogue-styled learning, then do check out the post with Colorful Mini-Stories in a family setting!
20. Let’s Talk About Shopping with Simple English Sentences for Kids
With these simple English sentences your children can begin to manage themselves better at shopping malls, airports, and other places where sellers often speak in English.
Let’s go shopping.
Is this a mall?
Let’s clear the security.
Wait for the scan, please.
Mom, look, Lego blocks!
I like it.
I want them, papa.
Can I have them?
How much is it, sir?
My parents will pay.
Here’s the bill.
Please give the receipt.
A Short Activity
Here are few simple questions that you can ask your child!
- What’s your name?
Answer: My name is…./I am …. - Do you have a pet name?
Answer: Yes, I do./No, I don’t. - What do you want to be when you grow up?
Answer: I want to be a/an…. - If you want some cake, how do you ask politely?
Answer: Can I have some cake?/Please give me some cake. - Can you say a polite word or two?
Answer: Thank you, please, and sorry!
Frequently Asked Questions
Does listening to English news on TV help children pick up English?
Irrespective of the fact that young kids do not understand and have no interest in news, it does build a lot of familiarity with the English language sounds. It does increase their comfort level with the language as it becomes a part of their environment.
What are some options to introduce English early to my toddler?
Rhymes, songs, stories, little books, picture flash cards, just about anything in English helps. When parents themselves use the language on and off through the day, it accentuates the benefits of every other English input.
That’s a lot of English learning, kids! Congratulations on finishing the lesson. Whenever you’re ready, hop on to learn more at EnglishGeni. Do let us know in the comments section below if the lesson has been fun learning!
Parents, here are some other EnglishGeni posts that are great for kids. Give them a try!
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