Everyday Topics to Improve English Skills
This picture description for kids English speaking exercise is a 6-step process that prepares you with vocabulary, meanings, and sample sentences before you are required to speak for 1-minute or more. A quick fluency help exercise is included.
In this wholesome picture description for kids speaking exercise, rather than merely commenting on what’s in the image, you will be speaking on an overall profile- in this case, on a school boy’s perspective.
The picture description tasks at EnglishGeni revolve around everyday things we see all around us. Talking about the mundane little things improves your ability to express yourself and your overall English conversational skills.
Who Can Try Picture Description for Kids
If you can make simple English sentences, you can attempt these fluency-building picture description for kids exercises.
This picture description for kids activity is in fact suitable for all levels and age groups. You could be a school student, a college-goer, a basic level English speaker (A1-A2) or an Intermediate level speaker (B2), you can use this image description task.
If you would prefer a picture description for kids at a lower level of difficulty, try some of these posts:
- Picture Composition for Class 1 (7 Image Activities)
- Picture Composition for Class 2 (8 Image Activities)
- Picture Composition for Class 3 (7 Image Activities)
- Picture Composition for Class 4 (7 Image Activities)
- Picture Composition for Class 5 (7 Image Activities)
- Picture Composition for Class 6 (5 Image Activities)
Instructions for Basic & Intermediate Speakers
Here’s the best approach to adopt to using this picture description for kids resource based on your level of English. Step 1 is for all levels of learners: review vocabulary first.
- Start with: Review of the vocabulary for this picture description for kids task with English meanings. See Hindi translation if needed.
How-to for Beginners: Follow All Steps Below
Please follow all the outlined steps below from Step 1 to Step 5.
How-to for Intermediate Level: Follow Step 3 to Step 5
- Step 1: See the meanings, sample sentences and Hindi translation. Do not worry if the sentences feel a little difficult. Under Step 6, you will see the simple breakdowns.
- Step 2: First, attempt the fill in the blanks.
- Step 3: Now, go to the Picture Description for kids image and look at the hints provided.
- Use the details given about the boy in the picture, Rahul. You can speak about Rahul or as Rahul.
- Try to use as many words suggested as possible. You can take a piece of paper and write down your ideas if it helps you speak better. Feel free to bring in your thoughts and ideas apart from the hints provided!
- Aim to speak for a minimum of 1-minute. The more, the better.
- Step 4: Now, refer to the Picture Description for Kids Model Speech and try to deliver a better speech for the image.
- Step 5: Learn how to break longer sentences into shorter ones. [Step 2 Meanings]
You need not worry about complicated rules of grammar! Do not overthink about WHAT to talk– just keep observing the picture and express your thoughts and comments. The more you speak, the better your English becomes.
Let’s get started with the Vocabulary for the task on picture description for kids. Let’s first review the vocabulary with English meanings. See Hindi translation only if needed.
Ideally, you should be using all the words provided on the image and in this section. This would help you to speak over a minute comfortably. Again, feel free to speak up regarding any related thoughts that come to mind! The longer you speak, the better your practice!
boring | scary | study | feel |
उबाऊ | डरावना | अध्ययन | अनुभव करना |
real | fast | flavor | chance |
असली | तेज़ | स्वाद | मौका |
chocolate | homework | holiday | little sister |
चॉकलेट | गृहकार्य | छुट्टी | छोटी बहन |
made friends | ice-cream joint | favorite day |
दोस्त बनाए | आइसक्रीम जोड़ | पसंदीदा दिन |
Those who are comfortable with the vocabulary above can skip this section and go straight to the picture description for kids task below. Review the 17 words below along with the meanings and sample sentences.
1. Name |
a) Part of Speech: Noun |
b) Meaning: A word(s) for a person or thing. |
My name is Emily. |
मेरा नाम अनिता है. |
2. Favorite day |
a) Parts of Speech: Noun (phrase) |
b) Meaning: The preferred day out of the week. |
Saturday is my favorite day because I get to spend time with my family. |
शनिवार मेरा पसंदीदा दिन है क्योंकि मैं अपने परिवार के साथ समय बिता सकता हूँ। |
3. School |
a) Part of Speech: Noun |
b) Meaning: An institution for educating children or adolescents. |
I go to school every weekday. |
मैं हर सप्ताह के दिन स्कूल जाता हूं। |
4. Boring |
a) Part of Speech: Adjective |
b) Meaning: Not interesting or dull. |
The lecture was so boring that I almost fell asleep. |
व्याख्यान इतना उबाऊ था कि मैं लगभग सो गया। |
5. Scary |
a) Part of Speech: Adjective |
b) Meaning: Causing fear or uneasiness. |
The horror movie was too scary for me to watch alone. |
वह डरावनी फिल्म मेरे लिए अकेले देखने के लिए बहुत डरावनी थी। |
6. Study |
a) Verb and Noun |
b) Meaning: (Verb) To try to gain knowledge; |
(Noun) The act of studying. |
I need to study for my upcoming exams. |
मुझे अपनी आगामी परीक्षाओं के लिए अध्ययन करने की आवश्यकता है। |
7. Homework |
a) Noun |
b) Meaning: School assignments to be completed outside of class. |
I have a lot of homework to do tonight. |
आज रात मुझे बहुत सारा होमवर्क करना है। |
8. Little sister |
a) Noun (phrase) |
b) Meaning: A younger sister. |
My little sister and I enjoy playing games together. |
मैं और मेरी छोटी बहन एक साथ गेम खेलना पसंद करते हैं। |
9. Feel |
a) Verb |
b) Meaning: To experience an emotion or sensation. |
I feel happy when I spend time with my friends. |
जब मैं अपने दोस्तों के साथ समय बिताता हूं तो मुझे खुशी होती है। |
10. Real |
a) Adjective |
b) Meaning: Genuine or authentic. |
The painting looked so real that I thought it was a photograph. |
पेंटिंग इतनी वास्तविक लग रही थी कि मुझे लगा कि यह एक तस्वीर है। |
11. Holiday |
a) Noun |
b) Meaning: A day of celebration or time off from work or school. |
Christmas is a holiday celebrated by many people around the world. |
क्रिसमस दुनिया भर में कई लोगों द्वारा मनाया जाने वाला अवकाश है। |
12. Fast |
a) Adjective and Adverb |
b) Meaning: (Adjective) Moving quickly; |
(Adverb) Quickly or with speed. |
The cheetah is known for being the fastest land animal. |
चीता को ज़मीन पर सबसे तेज़ जानवर होने के लिए जाना जाता है। |
13. Made friends |
a) Verb phrase |
b) Meaning: Formed connections or relationships with others. |
When I moved to a new town, I quickly made friends at my new school. |
जब मैं एक नए शहर में गया, तो मैंने जल्दी ही अपने नए स्कूल में दोस्त बना लिए। |
14. Ice-cream joint |
a) Noun (phrase) |
b) Meaning: A place or establishment that sells ice cream. |
Let’s go to the ice-cream joint after dinner for dessert. |
आइए रात के खाने के बाद मिठाई के लिए आइसक्रीम की दुकान पर चलें। |
15. Flavor |
a) Noun |
b) Meaning: The distinctive taste or aroma of a food or drink. |
Vanilla is a popular flavor for ice cream. |
आइसक्रीम के लिए वेनिला एक लोकप्रिय स्वाद है। |
16. Chocolate |
a) Noun |
b) Meaning: A sweet, brown food substance made from cacao seeds. |
I love the rich taste of dark chocolate. |
मुझे डार्क चॉकलेट का भरपूर स्वाद पसंद है। |
17. Chance |
a) Noun |
b) Meaning: An opportunity or possibility. |
Don’t miss the chance to showcase your talent at the talent show. |
टैलेंट शो में अपनी प्रतिभा दिखाने का मौका न चूकें। |
Step 2: 17 Fill-in-the-blanks with Vocabulary
शुरुआती अंग्रेजी लेवल (A1-A2). For Basic Learners A1-A2, B1
Now that you have reviewed the meanings, you should be able to fill these blanks.
USE THE FOLLOWING WORDS: name – school – boring – scary – study – feel – real – fast – flavor – chance – chocolate – homework – holiday – made friends – ice-cream joint – little sister – favorite day
1. I ___ it’s really not necessary. |
2. This candy has a really nice ___. |
3. If you dress up ___ we can leave in 10 minutes. |
4. Most children do not like to do ___ after school. |
5. There is no ___ for the festival because it falls on a Sunday. |
6. Have you made any ___ at school? |
7. That’s a ___ pearl. |
8. My ___ is chubby and cute. |
9. I have to ___ for at least two hours for the exam. |
10. His boss can be very ___ when he is angry. |
11. Do you have a ___ or do all days mean the same? |
12. Summer afternoons are a bit ___ . |
13. I eat ___ ice cream every chance I get. |
14. Which ___ did you attend? |
15. Can you tell me the ___ of your street? |
16. I want to eat something cool. Is there an ___ nearby? |
17. Is there a ___ we can meet this Sunday? |
1. feel 2. flavor 3. fast 4. homework 5. holiday 6. new friends 7. real 8. little sister 9. study 10. scary 11. favorite day 12. boring 13. chocolate 14. school 15. name 16. ice-cream joint 17. chance
Speak for 1-minute or more!
You could speak about Rahul or imagine yourself to be Rahul, as in a role-play. Try to use all the hints and vocabulary provided. However, it is fine if you leave out a few.

Step 4: Picture Description for Kids MODEL SPEECH
Refer and Improve Further!
Speaking Time: 1 minute
Total Words: 150
My name is Rahul. I am ten years old. Sunday is my favorite day of the week because (I don’t have school.)/I don’t have to go to school. School is boring and scary for me. My teachers make me study a lot.
On Saturdays, I sit with my father and finish all my homework. On Sundays, I just play with my parents and little sister. School is only from Monday to Friday. But, I feel like Sunday is the only real holiday.
We go to the park and play ball. I run fast and catch the ball very well. Many children come to the park, and I have made friends with many of them. They are really fun to be with.
Sometimes, our parents take us to the ice-cream joint near the park. My favorite flavor is chocolate. I eat it every chance I get. How do you spend your Sunday? Let me know!
हिंदी अनुवाद Hindi Translation
मेरा नाम राहुल है। मेरी आयु दस वर्ष है। रविवार सप्ताह का मेरा पसंदीदा दिन है क्योंकि (मेरे पास स्कूल नहीं है।)/मुझे स्कूल जाने की ज़रूरत नहीं है। स्कूल मेरे लिए उबाऊ और डरावना है। मेरे शिक्षक मुझे बहुत पढ़ाई कराते हैं।
शनिवार को, मैं अपने पिता के साथ बैठती हूं और अपना सारा होमवर्क पूरा करती हूं। रविवार को, मैं बस अपने माता-पिता और छोटी बहन के साथ खेलता हूँ। स्कूल केवल सोमवार से शुक्रवार तक है. लेकिन, मुझे ऐसा लगता है कि रविवार ही एकमात्र वास्तविक छुट्टी है।
हम पार्क में जाते हैं और गेंद खेलते हैं। मैं तेज दौड़ता हूं और गेंद को बहुत अच्छे से पकड़ता हूं।’ कई बच्चे पार्क में आते हैं और मैंने उनमें से कई से दोस्ती कर ली है। उनके साथ रहना वाकई मज़ेदार है।
कभी-कभी, हमारे माता-पिता हमें पार्क के पास आइसक्रीम की दुकान पर ले जाते हैं। मेरा पसंदीदा स्वाद चॉकलेट है. जब भी मौका मिलता है, मैं इसे खाता हूं। आप अपना रविवार कैसे बिताते हैं? मुझे बताओ!
Step 5: How to Speak With Fewer Mistakes and Pauses
The picture description for kids task gives you an additional English speaking bonus tip. Use these tips when you speak as well as write in English.
It is a popular misconception that longer sentences are a mark of fluency. It is more important to speak without errors rather than in long sentences. In fact, how well you speak matters more than how long you speak.
The longer sentences from the Word Meanings Section (Step 2) are broken down into smaller sentences here so you can understand how to convey equally well in smaller sentences.
यहां शब्द अर्थ अनुभाग के लंबे वाक्यों को छोटे वाक्यों में विभाजित किया गया है ताकि आप समझ सकें कि छोटे वाक्यों में कैसे व्यक्त किया जाए।
Find more such exercises in EnglishGeni Practice hub. Work on building the skill to speak in short error-free elegant sentences!
Fluency Tips and Exercise: One Sentence Vs. Two Sentences
One Long Sentence | Saturday is my favorite day because I get to spend time with my family. |
Two Short Sentences | I like Saturdays the best. It’s because I can spend time with my family. |
One Long Sentence | The lecture was so boring that I almost fell asleep. |
Two Short Sentences | The lecture was very boring. So I almost fell asleep. |
One Long Sentence | The horror movie was too scary for me to watch alone. |
Two Short Sentences | The horror movie is too scary. I cannot watch it alone. |
One Long Sentence | I need to study for my upcoming exams. |
Two Short Sentences | I have to study for my exam. I have it soon. |
One Long Sentence | My little sister and I enjoy playing games together. |
Two Short Sentences | My little sister and I play games together. We enjoy a lot. |
One Long Sentence | I feel happy when I spend time with my friends. |
Simpler Sentence | When I meet my friends, I feel happy. |
One Long Sentence | The painting looked so real that I thought it was a photograph. |
Two Short Sentences | The painting looks very real. So I thought it was a photograph. |
One Long Sentence | The cheetah is known for being the fastest land animal. |
Two Short Sentences | The cheetah is the fastest land animal. It is famous for that. |
One Long Sentence | When I moved to a new town, I quickly made friends at my new school. |
Two Short Sentences | I moved to a new town. Then, I quickly made friends at my new school. |
One Long Sentence | Don’t miss the chance to showcase your talent at the talent show. |
Two Short Sentences | You have the chance to show your talent at the show. Don’t miss it. |
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it better to speak spontaneously for this picture description for kids task or should I first write on paper?
It depends on your level of fluency. In either case, take a little time, say, about a minute, to think about what you would like to say. Preparation makes you speak better and keeps you thinking in English!
Should I write out in complete sentences before I attempt to speak?
That is not necessary if you are not a complete beginner. You can write down a few brief hints. Notice how even the most fluent speakers carry little notes for public speaking that they quickly keep referring to!
If you feel you have not done too well with this picture description for kids speaking task, do not stress. The more you practice, the more you will begin to notice your improvement and others. Try more picture description for kids tasks and you are certain to improve.
If you would like picture description tasks at a higher level of difficulty, try these posts:
- Master Pillar page for Picture Descriptions (links to all Intermediate and Basic level picture-based tasks)
- Happy Weekend: Vocabulary & Talk Drill
- Picture Description for Kids with 15 Targeted Vocabulary
- Indian Culture: Skill Up with 2 Essay Levels
Keep trying a variety of tasks each day. Make English practice a part of your daily routine. Check out the endless practice you can get at EnglishGeni!