Deep Essay Prep to Improve Your English
The two-level essays on Indian Culture are the end-result of progressive guided vocabulary practice with 30 select word meanings and sample sentences before impactful essays are crafted. The lesson is designed to enhance your English skills, both spoken and written. Or, leverage it to gain useful English conversational skills to overcome social awkwardness due to poor English.
Who Benefits From This Lesson Practice
The lesson presupposes just the basic level of English where you can understand instructions for the task! The rest of the elements provide help with Hindi translation for word meanings and sample sentences to ease your path to constructing an elegant essay in uncomplicated yet effective English. So, speakers of any level stand to benefit from this lesson.
Further, EnglishGeni will use a picture that is truly representative of Indian culture. Use the visual cues to think along different lines and relate them to your own life and compose an Indian culture essay.
As you go along with lesson, you need not worry about complicated rules of grammar. We use functional English which will equip you with reasonable proficiency to express with vocabulary and sentence patterns relevant to the chosen topic, ‘Essay on Indian Culture‘.
Guided Path to Essay on Indian Culture
EnglishGeni specializes in upskilling English, especially catering to Indians, and inclusive of the Hindi speakers’ needs as well. Hence, for areas that require proper understanding of instructions, they are made available with Hindi translation to aid further clarity. Click on the links below to skip straight to the level you need!
- Level 1 Speech on Indian Culture is short and image cues-based.
- The targeted talking time is 1-minute or more at 160 words.
- Level 2 Essay on ‘Indian Culture’ is at the first of two levels, and nets 400 words.
- Level 3 Essay on Indian Culture is advanced, and at 410 words.
Skip straight to what meets your current context by clicking on the level links!
Basic / Beginners A1-A2 Level Guide
Follow these steps if you are a ‘Basic or Beginner Level Speaker of English’.
- The lesson guides the use of 15 words relevant to the topic, Indian culture essay in English.
- Ensure that you learn up the meanings and study the example sentences well for any words you are new to.
- To further ease the vocabulary usage, there is an ‘Fill in the blanks’ exercise with the same vocabulary set.
- You must score at least 10 on 15 before you start practicing the essay.
- Once you are comfortable with the word-set, attempt the essay.
- See the model B2 level Indian culture essay, which is 400 words in length.
- Feel free to review the advanced essay on Indian Culture at 410 words length as well.
शुरुआती अंग्रेजी लेवल (A1-A2)
- पाठ ‘भारतीय संस्कृति’ विषय से संबंधित 15 शब्दों के उपयोग का मार्गदर्शन करता है।
- सुनिश्चित करें कि आप उन शब्दों के अर्थ सीख लें और उदाहरण वाक्यों का अच्छी तरह से अध्ययन कर लें जिनके बारे में आप नए हैं।
- शब्दावली के उपयोग को और अधिक आसान बनाने के लिए, समान शब्दावली सेट के साथ ‘रिक्त स्थान भरें’ अभ्यास है।
- निबंध का अभ्यास शुरू करने से पहले आपको 15 में से कम से कम 10 अंक प्राप्त करने होंगे।
- एक बार जब आप शब्द-set के साथ सहज हो जाएं, तो निबंध का प्रयास करें।
- Model essay on Indian Culture, जो 400 शब्दों में लंबा है।
- Advanced model Indian culture essay in English की समीक्षा करें जो 410 शब्दों की लंबाई भी।
Note for Intermediate English Level (B1-B2)
- First review the helpful vocabulary, meanings, and if necessary, sample sentences too!
- Gather your thoughts, note on a piece of paper to speak between 1 and 3 minutes, describing the topic, Indian Culture, in detail.
- A model speech on Indian Culture is also provided for each photo task.
- Repeat-read the model speech on Indian Culture essay of 400 words at B1 Intermediate level several times until you can deliver it naturally.
- Then, scale up to Advanced C1 level on Indian Culture essay in English with enhanced vocabulary added in, pushing it to 410 words!
- Bring in your own unique sentences to enhance your essay!
Let’s get started with the first Picture Description task on Smartphones.
You are encouraged to use this vocabulary set to describe the picture provided below. Please review the words. Refer to the meanings and sample sentences below to be clear about the usage of the vocabulary set.
decorations | occasion | engagement |
सजावट | अवसर | सगाई |
significance | seems | artificial |
महत्व | प्रतीत | कृत्रिम |
integral part | cultural | celebrations |
अभिन्न अंग | सांस्कृतिक | समारोह |
curtains | flowy | couch |
पर्दे | प्रवाहपूर्ण | सोफ़ा |
cushions | glitzy | garland |
कुशन | चमकीली | फूलों का हार |
These detailed meanings and sample sentences will clear any questions you have regarding the appropriate use of these words.
1. decorations (Noun) |
Meaning: Items used to adorn or embellish something, often for aesthetic purposes. |
Sample sentence: The decorations for the party included colorful balloons and streamers. |
उन्होंने पार्टी के लिए सजावट में रंगीन गुब्बारे और पटकथा शामिल किए। |
2. occasion (Noun) |
Meaning: A particular time or event, often marked by celebration or significance. |
Sample sentence: The wedding was a joyous occasion for all who attended. |
शादी सभी के लिए एक आनंदमय समारोह था जिन्होंने उसमें भाग लिया। |
3. engagement (Noun) |
Meaning: An agreement or commitment to do something or to be involved in something. |
Sample sentence: His engagement with the community projects showed his dedication to social causes. |
उसका समुदाय परियोजनाओं के साथ जुड़ना उसकी सामाजिक कार्यों के प्रति समर्पण को दिखाता था। |
4. significance (Noun) |
Meaning: The importance or meaning of something, especially when it has an impact or influence. |
Sample sentence: The teacher explained the significance of the historical event to her students. |
शिक्षक ने अपने छात्रों को ऐतिहासिक घटना के महत्व की व्याख्या की। |
5. seems (Verb) |
Meaning: Appears to be or gives the impression of being. |
Sample sentence: It seems like it’s going to rain soon. |
ऐसा लगता है कि जल्द ही बारिश होने वाली है। |
6. artificial (Adjective) |
Meaning: Not natural; made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally. |
Sample sentence: The artificial flowers looked surprisingly real. |
कृत्रिम फूलों को आश्चर्यजनक रूप से असली लग रहे थे। |
7. integral part (Noun) |
Meaning: A necessary or essential component of something. |
Sample sentence: Love and trust are integral parts of a healthy relationship. |
प्यार और विश्वास एक स्वस्थ संबंध के अभिन्न अंग हैं। |
8. cultural (Adjective) |
Meaning: Relating to the customs, traditions, and artistic expressions of a particular society or group. |
Sample sentence: The festival showcased various cultural performances from around the world. |
उत्सव ने दुनिया भर से विभिन्न सांस्कृतिक प्रदर्शनों का प्रस्तुत किया। |
9. celebrations (Noun) |
Meaning: Activities or events performed to mark a special occasion or achievement. |
Sample sentence: The town was alive with celebrations after the team won the championship. |
टीम ने चैम्पियनशिप जीतने के बाद शहर में उत्सव छाया हुआ था। |
10. curtains (Noun) |
Meaning: Pieces of fabric hung at windows or doorways for decoration or to block light. |
Sample sentence: She drew the curtains closed to block out the bright sunlight. |
उसने चमकीली धूप को बाहर करने के लिए पर्दों को बंद किया। |
11. flowy (Adjective) |
Meaning: Having a fluid or graceful movement or appearance. |
Sample sentence: She wore a flowy dress that fluttered in the breeze. |
उसने हवा में लहराती हुई एक धीमी ड्रेस पहनी। |
12. couch (Noun) |
Meaning: A piece of furniture for seating typically with a back and armrests. |
Sample sentence: The family gathered on the couch to watch a movie together. |
परिवार ने साथ में एक फिल्म देखने के लिए काउच पर इकट्ठा हो गया। |
13. cushions (Noun) |
Meaning: Soft pads or pillows used to support or provide comfort when sitting or leaning against something. |
Sample sentence: She arranged the cushions on the sofa to make it more comfortable. |
उसने सोफे पर कुशन व्यवस्थित किए ताकि यह अधिक सुखद हो। |
14. glitzy (Adjective) |
Meaning: Something shiny or flashy. |
Sample sentence: The entrance was decorated with glitzy garlands for the grand event. |
प्रवेशद्वार को महान घटना के लिए चमकीली गारलैंड से सजाया गया था। |
15. garlands (Noun) |
Meaning: Strings of flowers, leaves, or other material, often used for adornment or as a symbol of honor or celebration. |
Sample sentence: The bride wore a beautiful garland of fresh flowers around her neck. |
दुल्हन ने अपने गले में ताजगी से भरे फूलों की एक खूबसूरत माला पहनी। |
15 FIBs
शुरुआती अंग्रेजी लेवल. For Basic (A1-A2)
Use the Vocabulary Set to fill in the blanks related to the topic, Indian Culture essay in English: decorations, occasion, engagement, significance, seems, artificial, integral part, cultural, celebrations, curtains, flowy, couch, cushions, glitzy, garlands
1. The entire extended family attended the ___ party. |
2. All religious rituals have some ___. |
3. The ___ were made of a lovely sheer fabric. |
4. People offer a ___ to a deity as a mark of worship and devotion. |
5. Food with ___ colors is not very healthy. |
6. The marriage ___ were very loud. |
7. Most people have a favorite ___ in their homes. |
8. It is sad to see some ___ aspects fading out in our society. |
9. Those plastic ___ look really cheap. |
10. It ___ like it is going to rain pretty soon. |
11. A saree is a very ___ garment. |
12. Everyone was surprised to see such a shy person in a ___ bright suit. |
13. He ordered the cake for a special ___. |
14. ___ make the sofas even more comfortable. |
15. Flag-hoisting is an ___ of Independence day celebrations. |
Answer Key
1.engagement 2. significance 3. curtains 4. garland 5. artificial 6. celebrations 7. couch 8. cultural 9. decorations 10. seems 11. flowy 12. glitzy 13. occasion 14. cushions 15. integral part of.
LEVEL 1: Describe Image: Indian Culture, 160 words
Every Indian family has celebrations and this image captures the essence of Indian culture. Watch the image below carefully. Note the different elements.
Use the vocabulary set provided to you as well as any aspects you want to talk about. You should aim to speak for a minimum of 1-minute but with some preparation, you could speak for several minutes. Give this a good try!

Speaking Time: 1 minute
Every Indian can relate to this picture. This picture reflects Indian culture. In this image, we see a young lady decorating the house. It looks like there is a celebration. It could be an engagement, a wedding, a puja, a festival or any occasion of religious significance.
The lady seems about 22 years or so. She is putting up flower decorations in the window area. The flowers are in yellow, red, green and white. I cannot be sure if they are real or artificial flowers. Flowers are an integral part of Indian cultural celebrations.
The curtains are pure white, which is making the flowers look even brighter and prettier. The lady is also wearing a reddish-orange colored salwar suit with a flowy dupatta (stole). She is wearing bangles in both her hands.
The couch has large orange cushions with some shiny embroidery. They look like elephants. The cushions are bright and glitzy. There are more flower garlands on the couch.
हिंदी अनुवाद Hindi Translation
इस तस्वीर से हर भारतीय जुड़ाव महसूस कर सकता है। यह तस्वीर भारतीय संस्कृति को दर्शाती है। इस छवि में, हम एक युवा महिला को घर सजाते हुए देखते हैं। ऐसा लग रहा है मानो कोई जश्न हो. यह सगाई, शादी, पूजा, त्यौहार या धार्मिक महत्व का कोई भी अवसर हो सकता है।
महिला की उम्र करीब 22 साल के आसपास लगती है। वह विंडो एरिया में फूलों की सजावट कर रही हैं। फूल पीले, लाल, हरे और सफेद रंग के होते हैं। मैं निश्चित नहीं हो सकता कि वे असली फूल हैं या कृत्रिम। फूल भारतीय सांस्कृतिक उत्सवों का एक अभिन्न अंग हैं।
पर्दे शुद्ध सफेद हैं, जो फूलों को और भी चमकदार और सुंदर बना रहे हैं। महिला ने लाल-नारंगी रंग का सलवार सूट और लहराता हुआ दुपट्टा भी पहना हुआ है। उन्होंने दोनों हाथों में चूड़ियां पहनी हुई हैं.
सोफे पर कुछ चमकदार कढ़ाई के साथ बड़े नारंगी कुशन हैं। वे हाथी जैसे दिखते हैं. कुशन चमकीले और चमकदार हैं। सोफ़े पर और भी फूलों की मालाएँ हैं।
English Mastery Tips
Here’s a simple trick to gaining English fluency and an easy way to build longer sentences. Watch the sentence progression when we describe more (i.e use adjectives!) or add details (use adverbs!). These sentences are taken right from this exercise above.
Watch the Sentence Progression:
The lady is wearing a dress. |
The lady is wearing a salwar suit. |
The lady is wearing a bright salwar suit. |
The lady is also wearing a reddish-orange colored salwar suit. |
The lady is also wearing a reddish-orange colored salwar suit with a dupatta (stole/scarf). |
The lady is also wearing a reddish-orange colored salwar suit with a flowy dupatta (stole/scarf). |
Well, you can see that it’s not too hard to expand on a short sentence to make a long sentence!
Sentence Progression Exercises:
How about you try sentence progression exercise for these.
- The cat is sleeping.
- The boy is running.
- The bird is singing.
Refer to the Long Sentences in English post to see the sample answers. You can attempt more exercises at Beginner (A1-A2) level as well as Intermediate (B1-B2 Level) on the page and keep improving!
LEVEL 2 Essay on Indian Culture (B2), 400 words
Let’s elevate the essay to B1-B2 level now! Here’s the additional vocabulary to get us there! Some are simple words and others are at a slightly more difficult level.
- vibrant
- diverse
- spirituality
- hospitality
- saree
- cuisine
- rituals
- traditional
Here are the sample sentences along with meanings in simple English.
Let’s revise our picture description into a skillful essay! Note that the new vocabulary set-2 appears in bold to help you locate with ease. There are several other words in bold that you could research from online dictionaries and make a part of your lexicon.
Vibrant:- Meaning: Full of energy and brightness.
- Sentence: The city’s vibrant atmosphere captivated visitors from all over the world.
- Diverse:
- Meaning: having a great deal of variety.
- Sentence: The group consisted of people from diverse backgrounds, each bringing something unique to the table.
- Spirituality:
- Meaning: Connection to something greater than oneself, often involving beliefs about the soul or the divine.
- Sentence: Her spirituality was reflected in her daily meditation practice and acts of kindness towards others.
- Hospitality:
- Meaning: Warmth and friendliness shown to guests or strangers.
- Sentence: The hotel’s hospitality made guests feel like they were staying in a home away from home.
- Saree:
- Meaning: The traditional long Indian garment worn by women.
- Sentence: She looked stunning in her embroidered saree.
- Cuisine:
- Meaning: The style of cooking or preparing food, especially characteristic of a particular country or region.
- Sentence: The restaurant served authentic Indian cuisine, featuring aromatic spices and rich flavors.
- Rituals:
- Meaning: Established or prescribed procedures or actions performed in a customary way, often for religious or ceremonial purposes.
- Sentence: The family’s morning rituals, including prayers and meditation, helped set a positive tone for the day.
- Traditional:
- Meaning: Relating to customs, beliefs, or practices that have been handed down through generations.
- Sentence: During the festival, the community came together to celebrate traditional dances and songs passed down from their ancestors.
Indian Culture Essay in English, B2 CEFR Scale / Graduate Level
Word Count: 400
Talking Time: 2 minutes
India is a country known for its vibrant and diverse culture that reflects a tapestry woven out of centuries of history, traditions, and customs. Indian culture is a rich mosaic of spiritual beliefs, culinary delights, traditional attire, and rich rituals that blend uniquely to celebrate life’s various facets.
At the heart of Indian culture has been ‘spirituality‘, which permeates every aspect of life. This spirituality comes through the architecture of ancient temples to the tranquil yogic meditation practices that the world flocks to India for.
In fact, spirituality forms an ‘integral part of‘ daily existence for millions of Indians who begin their day with a prayer, or over the remembrance of divine grace over meals. it is this ‘spiritual‘ inclination that manifests itself in the form of ‘diverse‘ ‘rituals‘ and ceremonies conducted through joyful births, sorrowful deaths, joyous property acquisitions, or holy pilgrimages.
‘Hospitality‘ is another cornerstone of Indian culture. Guests have always been considered embodiments of the divine and welcomed with warmth and generosity. It’s not uncommon for hosts to go to great lengths to ensure the comfort and satisfaction of their guests, sacrificing their own comforts. Treating guests to a feast of exquisite Indian cuisine comes effortlessly to Indians.
Indian cuisine is renowned worldwide for its aromatic spices, intricate flavors, and sumptuous regional variations. Be it the fiery curries of the South or the delicate sweets of the North, every dish boasts a story of culinary mastery passed down through generations.
The ‘saree‘ is a much loved traditional Indian garment that is known for elegance and grace. Its myriad colors, fabrics, and draping styles reflect the cultural diversity of the nation.
Celebrations in India are marked by grandeur and splendor, with each festival offering a unique glimpse into the country’s rich heritage. The joyous Indian spirit brightens the Diwali celebrations, illuminating the streets with lamps and fireworks. Holi reverberates the unputdownable spirit of the common man. The myriad Indian festivals showcase India’s sense of unity and camaraderie among people of all different cultural and religious backgrounds.
Indian culture celebrates life in all its glory, embracing both the joys and challenges with equal fervor. It is a culture that cherishes family bonds, respects traditions while embracing change with open arms. India continues to evolve and morph in the modern world with remarkable success. Yet, its cultural tapestry remains a source of pride and inspiration for generations to come.
LEVEL 3 Advanced Essay on Indian Culture (C1), 410 words
Let’s now elevate the essay to nearly the advanced level of English, C1 on the CEFR scale. Here are the additional words to be used:
- ubiquitous
- epitome
- esoteric
- quintessential
- amalgamation
- venerable
- indubitable
- panoply
- Ubiquitous:
- Meaning: Present, appearing, or found everywhere.
- Sentence: In today’s digital age, smartphones have become ubiquitous, with almost everyone owning one.
- Epitome:
- Meaning: A perfect example of a particular quality or type.
- Sentence: The grand palace was the epitome of opulence and luxury.
- Esoteric:
- Meaning: Intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.
- Sentence: The professor’s lectures on quantum mechanics were often esoteric, leaving most students scratching their heads.
- Quintessential:
- Meaning: Representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.
- Sentence: The quaint little café in the heart of the city was the quintessential spot for enjoying a leisurely brunch.
- Amalgamation:
- Meaning: The action, process, or result of combining or uniting different elements into a whole.
- Sentence: The city’s cultural scene was an amalgamation of various influences, resulting in a vibrant and diverse arts community.
- Venerable:
- Meaning: Accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.
- Sentence: The venerable elder of the village was sought after for his sage advice and deep understanding of local traditions.
- Indubitable:
- Meaning: Impossible to doubt or question.
- Sentence: The evidence presented was indubitable, leaving no room for skepticism regarding the defendant’s guilt.
- Panoply:
- Meaning: A complete or impressive collection of things.
- Sentence: The museum displayed a panoply of ancient artifacts, each telling a fascinating story from history.
Let’s now add incremental complexity to the writing and upgrade it to about C1 CEFR Scale. Notice the strikethroughs for words we eliminated at B1-B2 level to elevate to C1 level. All advanced vocabulary is shown in green.
Notice that the total word count goes up by barely 10 words but the overall writing standards stands elevated.
Indian Culture Essay in English, C1 CEFR Scale / Graduate Level
Word Count: 410
Talking Time: 2 minutes
India is a country known for its vibrant and diverse culture that reflects a tapestry woven out of centuries of history, traditions, and customs. Indian culture is a rich mosaic is a ‘panoply‘ of spiritual beliefs, culinary delights, traditional attire, and rich rituals that blend uniquely to celebrate life’s various facets.
At the heart of Indian culture has been ‘spirituality‘, which permeates every aspect of life. This spirituality comes through the architecture of ancient temples to the tranquil esoteric yogic meditation practices that the world flocks to India for.
In fact, spirituality forms an ‘integral part of‘ daily existence for millions of Indians who begin their day with a prayer, or over the remembrance of divine grace over meals. it is this ‘spiritual‘ inclination that manifests itself in the form of ‘diverse‘ ‘rituals‘ and ceremonies conducted through joyful births, sorrowful deaths, joyous property acquisitions, or holy pilgrimages.
‘Hospitality‘ is another cornerstone of Indian culture. Guests have always been considered embodiments of the divine and welcomed with warmth and generosity. It’s not uncommon for hosts to go to great lengths to ensure the comfort and satisfaction of their guests, sacrificing their own comforts. Treating guests to a feast of exquisite Indian cuisine comes effortlessly to Indians.
Indian cuisine is renowned worldwide for its ‘ubiquitous‘ aromatic spices, intricate flavors, and sumptuous regional variations. Be it the fiery curries of the South or the delicate sweets of the North, every dish boasts a story of culinary mastery passed down through generations.
The ‘saree‘ is a much loved traditional Indian garment that is known for epitomizes elegance and grace. Its myriad colors, fabrics, and draping styles reflect the cultural diversity of the nation.
Celebrations in India are marked by grandeur and splendor, with each festival offering a unique ‘quintessential‘ glimpse into the country’s rich heritage. The joyous Indian spirit brightens the Diwali celebrations, illuminating the streets with lamps and fireworks. Holi reverberates the unputdownable spirit of the common man. The myriad Indian festivals showcase India’s sense of unity and camaraderie among people of all different cultural and religious backgrounds.
Indian culture celebrates life in all its glory, embracing both the joys and challenges with equal ‘indubitable‘ fervor. It is a culture that cherishes family bonds, respects traditions while embracing change with open arms. India continues to evolve and morph in the modern world with remarkable success. Yet, its cultural tapestry remains a source of ‘venerable‘ pride and inspiration for generations to come.
FAQs on Indian Culture Essay in English
How can I learn more from the essay on Indian Culture?
EnglishGeni provides exercises around the main topic that are immediately relevant to it. For instance, learners who cannot use the vocabulary can learn the usage of words before they can attempt the essay or speech.
Is it okay if I just read out from the Model Speech based on the image?
The model speech should be used to skill up to attempt your own essay. Ideally, the image should be only thing you look at during your first attempt to speak. This is why the vocabulary is provided on the image. This approach is optimal before you gain the confidence to write a proper essay on Indian culture.
Can we request more essays from EnglishGeni?
Advancing English speaking and writing skills in a fundamental goal at EnglishGeni. If an essay practice falls within the ambit of teaching writing skills, yes, it could get featured here!
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