Everyday Topics for English Skills
Crunch through this ‘Describe a daily routine that you enjoy’ exercise that is often an examiner’s favorite across so many kinds of tests. Skip straight to the topic summary, or train with the suggested vocabulary set, meanings, sample sentences. We also provide Hindi translation for select key areas of practice to facilitate the dominantly Hindi-speaker who struggles with expressing in English.
Steps For Error-Free ‘Describe a Daily Routine That You Enjoy’
Here’s how you can produce an error-free well-written written essay or impressive speech on the topic, ‘Describe a daily routine that you enjoy’.
- Note that to describe a daily routine that you enjoy, you would have to possess a certain base vocabulary proficiency first.
- Show variation and depth in the range of words you use.
- Try ideas that reflect your real life.
- Test-takers read hundreds if not thousands of essays and most feel like lift-offs from the internet.
- Develop a unique voice in your that represents “YOU“, not the internet!
- Use the vocabulary set provided and mix in more words.
- Look for the sample sentences for guidance on proper use of vocabulary.
- Next, ensure that your drafts or speech-preps are grammatically sound and error-free.
- Run through spell-check and free grammar checkers like Grammarly to ensure you have a properly edited final draft for a speech or essay.
These steps are key to ensure examiners to grade you high on the tests on ‘Describe a daily routine that you enjoy’. To help build your English skills for the main two areas of vocabulary and sentences, we have section devoted to their individual practice.
Picture Help for ‘Describe a daily routine that you enjoy’ Essay
The pictures serve as a visual trigger for your vocabulary and thoughts associated with he topic. Use the elements to provoke fresh perspectives on the rather overused topic of ‘Describe a daily routine that you enjoy’.
While the topic might be stale, ensure your essay sounds fresh. Here’s the best approach to using this lesson in English as an additional resource, depending on your level of English.
A1-A2 Level Beginner Guide. शुरुआती अंग्रेजी लेवल (A1-A2)
Here is how to progress with the lesson:
- Going over the suggested vocabulary for the pictures is a great starting point.
- Ensure that you are not assuming incorrect meanings of words. Check the meanings well if the words feel unfamiliar.
- Try out the Question-Answers segment for extra preparation.
- Try the Intermediate level Speech Practice once you’re ready!
- चित्रों के लिए सुझाई गई शब्दावली पर गौर करना एक बेहतरीन शुरूआती तरीका है।
- सुनिश्चित करें कि आप शब्दों का गलत अर्थ नहीं ले रहे हैं। यदि शब्द अपरिचित लगें तो अर्थ अच्छी तरह जांच लें।
- अतिरिक्त तैयारी के लिए प्रश्न-उत्तर खंड आज़माएँ।
- एक बार तैयार होने के बाद इंटरमीडिएट स्तर के भाषण अभ्यास का प्रयास करें!
If you want picture-description tasks of lower difficulty, here are tasks for grade 1 to 6.
Picture Composition- 40 to fit any level (gives Links to grade 1 to 6)
Picture Composition for Class 3
Picture Composition for Class 4
Picture Composition for Class 6
Prep Steps for ‘Describe a Daily Routine That You Enjoy’ speech
Intermediate level speakers of English can do a quick review of the suggested vocabulary set. Here are the next set of steps:
- Now, make a mental or better, a paper note, of the additional vocabulary you’d like to use.
- Take a minute to frame your thoughts well.
- Start with an impactful sentence.
- Use proper connectors to link ideas.
- Once your draft is ready, review it to see how you could improve upon it.
- Is there at least one sentence that you think has something unique about it? If not, attempt one.
- A fresh idea is a fresh sentence, remember!
Now that you’re ready, try to speak for at least 1-minute and keep the image provided in view as quick and handy reference. Record yourself if you could. Now, check with the model speech on ‘Describe a daily routine that you enjoy’. Look for areas you could improve on. Retry till you’re happy with your performance.
1-Minute Talk on ‘Describe a daily routine that you enjoy’
This exercise will focus specifically on this vocabulary. Refer to the Hindi meanings if you’d like.
pull the drapes closed | flicking through channels | catch my interest |
पर्दों को खींचकर बंद कर दो | चैनलों के माध्यम से फ़्लिकिंग | मेरी रुचि पकड़ो |
into sports | about an hour | piled-up laundry |
खेल में | करीब एक घंटा | कपड़े धोने का ढेर |
order online | for that matter | reality shows |
ऑनलाइन ऑर्डर | उस बात के लिए | वास्तविकता प्रदर्शन |
unwind | chill | way past | TV time |
खोलना | सर्द | बहुत आगे | टीवी का समय |
cozy | nestle | sitcoms | chores |
आरामदायक | नेस्ले | सिटकॉम | उबाऊ काम |

MODEL SPEECH on ‘Describe a daily routine that you enjoy‘
Refer and Improve Further!
Speaking Time: 1 minute
Total Words: 190
Sunday is my day to unwind and chill. I wake up way past my usual time since I don’t have to go to work. I take my pet dog for a walk in the park. I work out for about an hour and then take a relaxing shower. I fix a small breakfast for myself and feed my dog as well.
After that, it’s just TV time. I pull the drapes closed so that the hall feels cozy. My dog loves to nestle on the couch along with me. Sometimes, I feel like my dog watches TV too, and at other times, he looks quite bored and sleepy. He is just happy to be around me, though. I like to watch a movie at times.
However, many times I just keep flicking through channels until something really catches my interest. I’m not so much into sports or even sitcoms for that matter. I do like some reality shows a lot.
Come evening, I finish some chores like the week’s piled-up laundry and order groceries online. Why do Sundays fly by so fast? I wish they lasted 48 hours!
हिंदी अनुवाद Hindi Translation for ‘Describe a daily routine that you enjoy‘
विवार मेरा दिन आराम करने और आराम करने का है। मैं अपने सामान्य समय से काफी देर बाद उठता हूं क्योंकि मुझे काम पर नहीं जाना होता है। मैं अपने पालतू कुत्ते को पार्क में घुमाने ले जाता हूँ। मैं लगभग एक घंटे तक कसरत करता हूं और फिर आराम से स्नान करता हूं। मैं अपने लिए एक छोटा नाश्ता तय करता हूं और अपने कुत्ते को भी खिलाता हूं।
उसके बाद, यह सिर्फ टीवी का समय है। मैं पर्दे खींचकर बंद कर देता हूं ताकि हॉल आरामदायक महसूस हो। मेरा कुत्ता मेरे साथ सोफ़े पर बैठना पसंद करता है। कभी-कभी, मुझे ऐसा लगता है कि मेरा कुत्ता भी टीवी देखता है, और कभी-कभी, वह काफी ऊबा हुआ और नींद में दिखता है। हालाँकि, वह मेरे आसपास रहकर ही खुश है। मुझे कभी-कभी मूवी देखना पसंद है.
हालाँकि, कई बार मैं चैनलों को तब तक देखता रहता हूँ जब तक कि कोई चीज़ वास्तव में मेरी रुचि को पकड़ न ले। मैं खेल या यहां तक कि सिटकॉम में इतना अधिक रुचि नहीं रखता हूं। मुझे कुछ रियलिटी शो बहुत पसंद हैं.
शाम को, मैं सप्ताह भर के ढेर सारे कपड़े धोने और किराने का सामान ऑनलाइन ऑर्डर करने जैसे कुछ काम निपटाता हूँ। रविवार इतनी तेजी से क्यों बीत जाते हैं? मेरी इच्छा है कि वे 48 घंटे तक चले!
Here are the meanings of the vocabulary for the task ‘Describe a daily routine that you enjoy‘ along with a sample sentence and its translation in Hindi.
1. Unwind |
a) Part of Speech: Verb |
b) Meaning: To relax and release tension or stress. |
c) Sample Sentence: After a long day at work, I like to unwind by reading a book. |
काम पर लंबे दिन के बाद, मुझे किताब पढ़कर आराम करना पसंद है। |
2. Chill |
a) Verb and Noun |
b) Meaning: (Verb) To relax; (Noun) A state of relaxation. |
c) Sample Sentence: Let’s just chill at home this weekend. |
आइए इस सप्ताह के अंत में घर पर आराम करें। |
3. Way past |
a) Phrase |
b) Meaning: Much later than a specific time. |
c) Sample Sentence: I stayed up way past midnight to finish my project. |
मैं अपना प्रोजेक्ट पूरा करने के लिए आधी रात तक जागता रहा। |
4. About an hour |
a) Phrase |
b) Meaning: Approximately 60 minutes. |
c) Sample Sentence: The meeting lasted about an hour. |
बैठक करीब एक घंटे तक चली. |
5. TV time |
a) Noun (phrase) |
b) Meaning: Time spent watching television. |
c) Sample Sentence: Friday night is our favorite TV time. |
शुक्रवार की रात हमारा पसंदीदा टीवी समय है। |
6. Pull the drapes closed |
a) Phrase |
b) Meaning: To close curtains or drapes to block light or create privacy. |
c) Sample Sentence: As the sun set, she decided to pull the drapes closed for a cozy evening. |
जैसे ही सूरज डूबा, उसने एक आरामदायक शाम के लिए पर्दे बंद करने का फैसला किया। |
7. Cozy |
a) Adjective |
b) Meaning: Warm, comfortable, and snug. |
c) Sample Sentence: The cabin in the woods felt cozy with a crackling fire. |
जंगल में केबिन तेज आग से आरामदायक महसूस हो रहा था। |
8. Nestle |
a) Verb |
b) Meaning: To settle comfortably or snugly. |
c) Sample Sentence: The cat likes to nestle in a soft blanket. |
बिल्ली मुलायम कम्बल में रहना पसंद करती है। |
9. Flicking through channels |
a) Phrase |
b) Meaning: Quickly changing TV channels. |
c) Sample Sentence: She spent the evening flicking through channels, searching for something interesting to watch. |
उसने शाम चैनलों के माध्यम से देखने और देखने के लिए कुछ दिलचस्प खोजने में बिताई। |
10. Catch my interest |
a) Phrase |
b) Meaning: To attract or captivate my attention. |
c) Sample Sentence: The book’s synopsis didn’t catch my interest, so I didn’t read it. |
पुस्तक के सारांश में मेरी रुचि नहीं थी, इसलिए मैंने इसे नहीं पढ़ा। |
11. Into sports |
a) Phrase |
b) Meaning: Having an interest or involvement in sports. |
c) Sample Sentence: She’s really into sports and plays soccer every weekend. |
वह वास्तव में खेलों में रुचि रखती है और हर सप्ताहांत फुटबॉल खेलती है। |
12. Sitcoms |
a) Noun |
b) Meaning: Situational comedies, a type of television show. |
c) Sample Sentence: I enjoy watching sitcoms because they make me laugh. |
मुझे सिटकॉम देखने में मजा आता है क्योंकि वे मुझे हंसाते हैं। |
13. For that matter |
a) Phrase |
b) Meaning: Used to include additional information or clarify a point. |
c) Sample Sentence: I don’t like spicy food, and for that matter, I avoid it altogether. |
मुझे मसालेदार भोजन पसंद नहीं है, और इस कारण से, मैं इससे पूरी तरह परहेज करता हूँ। |
14. Reality shows |
a) Noun (phrase) |
b) Meaning: Television programs featuring real people in unscripted situations. |
c) Sample Sentence: Some reality shows follow contestants competing in various challenges. |
कुछ रियलिटी शो विभिन्न चुनौतियों में प्रतिस्पर्धा करने वाले प्रतियोगियों का अनुसरण करते हैं। |
15. Chores |
a) Noun (plural) |
b) Meaning: Routine tasks or duties, typically related to housekeeping. |
c) Sample Sentence: I need to finish my chores before heading out. |
बाहर जाने से पहले मुझे अपना काम ख़त्म करना होगा। |
16. Piled-up laundry |
a) Adjective (phrase) |
b) Meaning: A large amount of accumulated laundry that needs to be washed. |
c) Sample Sentence: The piled-up laundry in the basket is waiting to be tackled. |
टोकरी में ढेर सारे कपड़े है- धोने का काम निपटाने का इंतज़ार किया जा रहा है। |
17. Order online |
a) Verb phrase |
b) Meaning: To purchase or request something using the internet. |
c) Sample Sentence: I prefer to order groceries online for convenience. |
सुविधा के लिए मैं किराने का सामान ऑनलाइन ऑर्डर करना पसंद करता हूं। |
17 Fill Up the Blanks with Vocabulary:
शुरुआती अंग्रेजी लेवल (A1-A2). For Basic Learners A1-A2
Since you have reviewed the meanings, you should be able to revise once and be ready to take up these short fill up the blanks exercises restricted to the vocabulary for this segment of the lesson.
चूंकि आपने अर्थों की समीक्षा कर ली है, इसलिए आपको एक बार दोहराने में सक्षम होना चाहिए और पाठ के इस खंड के लिए शब्दावली तक सीमित रिक्त स्थान भरने के इन संक्षिप्त अभ्यासों को लेने के लिए तैयार रहना चाहिए।
Choose the answers from this vocabulary pool for ‘Describe a daily routine that you enjoy’:
1. pull the drapes closed 2. flicking through channels 3. catch my interest 4. into sports 5. about an hour 6. piled-up laundry 7. order online 8. for that matter 9. unwind 10. chill 11. way past 12. TV time 13. cozy 14. nestle 15. sitcoms 16. chores 17. reality shows
1. He is a lazy person; he was never ___ |
2. After a long day, it is good to ___ with some snacks. |
3. Their house is small but feels very ___. |
4. Could you please clear up the ___? |
5. The child is too old to still ___ in her mother’s arms. |
6. You should be in bed; it’s___ your bed-time. |
7. I do not like doing household ___. |
8. I brought him books but they don’t seem to ___ |
9. There should be no problem to ___. |
10. I do not have the time to watch ___ on TV. |
11. The guest stayed here for ___. |
12. Can you stop ___? I really want to watch the show. |
13. Honestly, there are too many ___ on TV these days. |
14. The room feels cooler after you pulled ___. |
15. The kids rushed through their homework because ___ was coming up! |
16. Well, ___, his vision is not that great either. |
17. I left the drinks in the refrigerator to ___. |
Answer Key
1. into sports. 2. unwind 3. cozy 4. piled-up laundry 5. nestle 6. way past 7. chores 8. catch his interest. 9. order online 10. sitcoms 11. about an hour 12. flicking through channels 13. reality shows 14. the drapes closed 15. TV time 16. for that matter 17. chill
FAQs on ‘Describe a daily routine that you enjoy’
I have attempted speaking and also wrote out a small essay on ‘Describe a daily routine that you enjoy’. Can I post it in comments?
You’re totally welcome to do so. We would be happy to see your progress.
The words “come evening” were not explained in the vocabulary for “Describe a daily routine that you enjoy”. How come?
That’s intentional. Since you come upon it towards the end of the passage, you would be able to GUESS the meaning. We do make sense of things going sheerly by context! That’s part of English language learning too.
In the basic level A1-A2 exercises also, I have some trouble. Should I be worried?
बुनियादी स्तर के A1-A2 अभ्यासों में भी मुझे कुछ परेशानी होती है। क्या मुझे चिंतित होना चाहिए?
Not at all. Language teaching always aims to introduce bits of learning that make you think in the target language at a slightly higher level of difficulty. This is how you develop the ability to step up to the next level.
बिल्कुल नहीं। भाषा शिक्षण का लक्ष्य हमेशा सीखने के ऐसे अंश पेश करना होता है जो आपको कठिनाई के थोड़े ऊंचे स्तर पर लक्ष्य भाषा में सोचने पर मजबूर करते हैं। इस तरह आप अगले स्तर तक आगे बढ़ने की क्षमता विकसित करते हैं।
We hope you are able to compose a great write-up or speech on ‘Describe a Daily Routine That You Enjoy’ topic with the vocabulary and sentence drills we have provided along with a model essay. There are many more English speaking skills enhancing topics that give more a lot more intense practice. Give them a shot:
Master Pillar page for Picture Descriptions (links to all Intermediate, Basic picture-based tasks
Happy Weekend: Vocabulary & Talk Drill
Picture Description for Kids with 15 Targeted Vocabulary
Indian Culture: Skill Up with 2 Essay Levels
3 Advanced ‘Describe Image’ Exercises with Vocabulary Focus