Here are a host of vibrant picture composition for class 3 with varied exercises that will get the little ones into some deep thinking! Wanna make sure your children pick up critical thinking skills early? These fun activities keep kids thinking sharp.
The carefully crafted picture composition lessons expose kids to the right kind of activities that are loaded with picture fun and English language exercises too!
To leverage the lesson maximally, do check out the master pillar post on how to tackle picture compositions! It’s a deep-dive with several tips and tricks to nail the tasks.
Try out these exercises that are just right- the right level of language, the right level of motivation and did we say already- we never ever cut short on fun while going long on carefully crafted English lessons! Enjoy and get smarter each day with EnglishGeni!
Picture Composition for Class 3: Activity 1
Themes like pollution and impact on trees are a constant feature for picture description for class 3 students. So, here we feature trees in the picture for picture description for class 3. As you can see, this image shows two contrasting realities for trees!
Happy and Sad Trees
Trees give us many benefits. Yet, we don’t always take good care of them. So, there are some happy trees and many unhappy trees. Watch the image carefully to understand what makes trees happy and what makes them sad.

Exercise 1: Talk about some things trees give us.
Here’s a sample answer for your reference.
- Trees give us many kinds of fruits.
- Trees provide us with different vegetables.
- Trees give us healthy vitamins and minerals.
- Trees clean up our polluted air.
- Trees give us wood for furniture and many other things.
Exercise 2: Talk about some ways we ruin healthy trees.
Here are some ideas to help you get started!
- We harm the trees in many ways.
- We cut them down and burn as firewood.
- We cause pollution that affects them.
- We don’t let birds live on them peacefully.
- We exploit land and water, and trees don’t get enough water.
Exercise 3: Draw and colour a tree that bears your favourite fruit.
Let’s go the next activity now that you have completed the first picture description for class 3. The next is about a tasty food! Can you guess?
Easy Picture Composition for Class 3: Activity 2
Pizza, My Favourite Food
A child is talking about his/her favorite food. Fill in the blanks in this easy picture composition for class 3 worksheet using the image clues for each blank.
Picture Composition for Class 3 Worksheet With Answers
1.My favorite ______ is pizza.
2. I love it with lots of ______ and cheese.
3. Sometimes I like to add ______ and mushrooms.
4. Mom makes the best ______ at home.
5. I also enjoy eating ______ for dessert.
6. When I’m thirsty, I drink cold ______ .
7. Dad says I could eat pizza for______ !
8. It’s the yummiest ______ ever!
- food, toy, color
2. toppings, toys, books
3. toppings, fruits, vegetables
4. pizza, ice cream, sandwich
5. ice cream, a cup cake, fruits
6. water, juice, milkshake
7. breakfast, lunch, dinner
8. food, toy, movie
Easy Picture Reading for Class 3: Activity 3
A Train Journey With Family
Observe the image below for picture description for class 3 and note the details in the picture. Describe an interesting train or bus journey you have taken, or would like to take, and use hints from the image. Write six sentences about your journey.
You can use some of the following words and phrases as well for this easy picture reading for class 3 exercise.
- many people
- crowded tea and food stalls
- station/bus station
- window seat
- see big and small trees
- see hills, lakes
- buy tickets
- loud train whistle
Sample Picture Reading for Class 3
To make things simpler for you, here is a sample picture reading for class 3 on a train journey. But, you must write one on your own too even if it is just 3 sentences!
- I went to the railway station with my family.
- There were many people at the station.
- The tea stalls were very crowded.
- We purchased our tickets to get on the train.
- We went and sat on our seats.
- I sat by the window.
- The train started after a loud whistle.
- We passed by many big and small trees.
- We even passed by a river.
- I could see the hills beyond the river.
- It was a fun train ride for me with my family.
Exercise 2: Say 3 things that are similar about a bus station and a train station.
Here is the picture composition for class 3 with answers:
- Both are crowded.
- Both are used by people to travel.
- Both make us buy a ticket.
Picture Composition for Class 3: Activity 4
Water by the Highway
Picture composition for class 3 worksheet: Look at the picture and write 6 sentences about what you see.
Sample Answer
- I can see a tree.
- There are many cars on the road; one is red, one is blue, two are green, and I think the other is yellow.
- There is one huge red and white truck and a smaller open green truck.
- There is another white car too.
- There is a river or lake by the road.
- The road is neat and looks like a highway.
Can you say 3 things about the street near your home?
Sample Answers:
It takes me 5 minutes to reach the main road.
I walk holding my mother or father to stay safe.
I never try to cross the road on my own.
Picture Composition for Class 3: Activity 5
Meet The Dog Breeds
Do you know that there are different kinds of dogs like the Bull dog, Boxer, Doberman, and German Shepherd? Do you wanna know about more dogs? Click here! You can solve the questions below on picture description for class 3 after seeing the different dog breeds! That’s fine.
Look at the dogs in the picture and write about them. You
might begin like this: “I am a little brown dog. I am a dachshund.”
Exercise 1: Name the dogs in this picture reading for grade 3.
- The brown dog with a big face in the left is a French …..
- The tall white dog with black spots is a ….
- I think the brown dog which is neither tall nor short is a ….
- The grey dog with a big beard and furry body and legs is ..
- bull dog
- dalmatian
- boxer
- a poodle
Exercise 2: Name more creatures you see in this picture reading for grade 3..
I can see a green bird, and a colorful parrot and a cat among animals. I see two insects, a honeybee and a blue dragonfly.
Exercise 2: Fill in the Blanks
Do you remember the names of the dog breeds! Let’s check you memory with this picture composition for class 3 worksheet.
- I am a scary looking dog. I am a ______.
- I am a strong brown dog. I am a ______.
- I am a big, black and white dog. I am a ______.
- I am a strong, shiny black dog. I am a ______.
1.Bull Dog
3.German Shepherd
Picture Composition for Class 3: Activity 6
No One Wins A Silly Fight
Look at the dogs in the pictures and write about them like a short story.
You can always refer to the sample story and try on your own after that!
Sample Picture Composition for Class 3
- Two dogs set out on a narrow bridge over a river.
2. Both were headed in the opposite direction.
3. They crossed each other on the narrow bridge.
4. Both the dogs were proud and arrogant.
5. Neither wanted to make way for the other.
6. They both said, “Why should I make way? You clear the path!”
7. They knocked their heads and reared up their feet.
8. They forgot they were on a narrow bridge.
9. They both fell into the water and no one won in the silly fight!
Exercise 2: Do you have a pet dog? If yes, say 4 things about it.
- Yes, I have a pet. / No, I don’t have a pet.
- My pet is a little …..(cat/dog/puppy/kitten/bird).
- It is very cute and …..(soft/playful/sweet).
- I love my ….. (dog/cat/pet).
Exercise 3: Would you like to have a pet? If yes, which animal and why?
- Yes, I would like to have a pet.
- I want a dog because they are fun.
- No, I don’t want a pet.
- They are a lot of work.
Picture Description for Class 3: Activity 7
My School Bus Rides
How do you reach school everyday? Do you take the school bus? Do you use another kind of private transport? Let us know in this picture description for class 3 activity.
Well, here is our little kid who uses the school bus. See the picture.
Yes, the man next to him is his father! Do you have something similar to share?
Write 6 to 8 simple lines about this picture imagining you are the child in the image. Or, imagine the child is your younger brother.
Describe how he goes to school by his school bus. Use details in the image!
Try on your own. If you can’t do it right away, no sweat, you can check the sample essay below first.
Sample Picture Description for Class 3
Every morning, I hop on my big yellow school bus with all my friends.
We sit together and chat as we ride through the neighborhood.
Sometimes we see squirrels and birds along the way.
When we get close to school, the bus stops and we all line up to go inside.
After school, my dad waits for me at the main road.
He gives me a big smile when he sees me.
We walk home together, talking about our day.
I get excited to see my dad waiting for me after a long day at school.
Exercise 2: Fill the six blank sentences:
Next up, we have a picture composition for class 3 worksheet. Try it out!
- Every morning, I hop on my big ______ with all my friends.
- We sit together and chat as we ride through the ______ .
- Sometimes we see ______ and ______ along the way.
- When we get close to school, the bus ______ and we all line up to go inside.
- After school, my ______ waits for me at the main road.
- He gives me a big ______ when he sees me, and we walk home together, talking about our day.
Did you fill in the blanks with appropriate words?
Go back to the sample essay to check your answers, kids!
We hope you enjoyed the picture composition for class 3 exercises! Drop us a line to let us know how your practice went! We’d be happy to hear! You are welcome to check out more fun stuff at EnglishGeni. Try some of these maybe?