Let’s do picture composition for class 1 with these 7 different fun-filled picture exercises today. Develop critical thinking via picture composition for class 1 to class 6 using EnglishGeni’s full length tutorial for parents so learners have fun as well as strengthen their English.
You could check out the master pillar page on picture composition and return here. Of course, you could just cruise right along as these are simple enough for any kid! Kids, you are going to get some good mental exercise! Are you ready?
Picture Composition for Class 1: Activity 1
Children in a Park
Here’s an image depicting the typical day at a park for little kids. Draw the learner’s attention to the details in the picture. The questions and exercises will make them want to study the image closely for the picture composition activity for class 1!

Suggested Vocabulary for picture composition for grade 1:
(paper boats, bow and arrow, aiming, snacks, snack box, standing, sitting, swinging, chatting)
Step 1: Write or say five things about this picture.
Step 2: If your child struggles, these questions will surely help. Ask the child and let them finish observing the picture on their own and answer.
Step 3: If they have nothing much to say, pose these 12 questions and more!
Step 4: Repeat the exercise a few days later and watch for the improvement in their speech! This step is crucial. Practice makes all the difference!
Sample Questions for picture composition for grade 1:
- How many people are in the picture?
- What are the kids doing near the water?
- What are the boy and girl in the left doing?
- What is the man in green doing?
- What do you think he is doing?
- How many people are under the tree?
- What are the people under the tree doing?
- What is the lady wearing in her neck?
- What are the two kids in the back doing?
- Where do you think this picture was taken?
- How many paper boats can you count?
- How many trees can you see?
Picture Composition for Class 1 Activity 1
- There are 10 people in the picture.
- The kids are making paper boats and dropping them into the puddle.
- They are sitting on the ground and eating something.
- He is taking aim with his bow and arrow.
- I think he maybe aiming at a bird on the tree.
- There are two people under the tree, a man and a woman.
- They are standing and talking.
- The lady is wearing a scarf around her neck.
- The two kids in the back are enjoying swinging.
- This picture maybe taken in a park.
- I can see three white paper boats.
- I can see four trees.
Critical Thinking Picture Composition for Class 1
Have you noticed any similarities in this picture?
Yes, the two children in the back are wearing identical uniforms.
Also, the two children are the left are dressed in uniforms. The girl is wearing a brown shirt and skirt. The boy is wearing the same shade of brown shirt but dark brown shorts.
The snack box is also light brown!
Picture Composition for Class 1: Activity 2
Games at School
Suggested Vocabulary
play ball, jump rope, hula-hoop rings, help someone up, read, chat, stand, watch, throw, hold, play hopscotch
Step 1: Write or say five things about this picture.
Step 2: If your child struggles, these questions will surely help. Ask the child and let them finish observing the picture on their own and answer.
Step 3: If they have nothing much to say, pose these 12 questions and more!
Step 4: Repeat the exercise a few days later and watch for the improvement in their speech! This step is crucial. Practice makes all the difference!
- How many kids are playing with a ball?
- How many kids are jumping rope?
- What are the two kids on the right doing?
- What is the floor game with numbers called?
- How many kids are playing hopscotch?
- What is the activity with the rings called?
- Do you ever play with the hula-hoop ring?
- What are the two girls doing?
- What are the kids near the blue building doing?
- How many kids can you count in this picture?
Sample Picture Composition for Class 1 Activity 2
- Two kids are playing with a ball.
- Three kids are playing the jump rope game.
- The kids on the right are eating snacks.
- Three kids are playing hopscotch.
- Answer in a full sentence with “Yes, I play,” or “No, I don’t.”
- It’s called the hoolahoop rings.
- Yes, sometimes I do.
- One little girl is sitting down and the other girl seems to be helping her (stand) up.
- The girl is reading a book and chatting with the boy.
- There are 16 kids in this picture.
Critical Thinking Picture Composition for Class 1
What does the hopscotch game teach you?
It teaches us to aim our throw right. It teaches us better balance on one foot. it also teaches us to wait for our turn politely while other kids take their turn.
Did you notice how the uniforms are?
Are all the uniforms similar?
How are they similar?
How are they not similar?
How many sets of different uniforms can you see?
Picture Composition for Class 1: Activity 3
The Umbrella That Flew Away!
Some kids love rain and other kids don’t! Some get scared of thunder and others don’t! Here are some people getting wet in a rain. It looks like a bad storm. Watch the image! There’s a smart little birdie though. Follow the green arrows in the picture to see what she did!
- What is happening in the picture?
- How many umbrellas are there in the picture?
- What happened to the girl’s umbrella? (see the green arrow)
- What is the cloud doing?
- Who found the umbrella that flew away?
- What did the bird do with the umbrella?
- How many eggs can you see in the nest?
- What are the two little girls wearing?
- Are the two little girls using an umbrella?
- Do you like playing in the rain?
Sample Picture Composition for Class 1 Activity 3
- It is raining in the picture.
- There are five umbrellas in the picture.
- The umbrella flew away. (due to the wind.)
- The cloud is dropping rain and running with an umbrella too!
- The bird found the umbrella.
- The bird made a nest and laid eggs in it.
- I can see three eggs in the nest.
- The little girls are wearing raincoats.
- No, they threw the umbrella to a side and are playing in the puddle.
- Yes, I enjoy playing in the rain.
Critical Thinking Picture Composition for Class 1
How do you convert question number 10 into a critical thinking exercise question?
Instead of asking, “Do you like playing in the rain?” ask your child in these ways:
- “What do you do when it rains?”
- “How do you spend a rainy day?”
- “How do you play in the rain?”
- “Why do you like playing in the rain?”
- Did you notice the nuts on the tree? (acorns)
These questions are bound to make your little one express their happy little bountiful thoughts, parents! Ask the right questions and turn them into bright kids!
Picture Composition for Class 1: Activity 4
A Visit to Hyderabad and Charminar
Have you visited towns or cities other than where you live? Do you have any nice memories. How about we listen to what a visitor to the city of Hyderabad has to share! Observe the picture to get some clues about this city and the visitor’s trip!
Answer these questions
- What is the tall building in the picture called?
- In which city is the Charminar?
- Have you ever been to Charminar?
- What are the people doing outside the Charminar?
- How many kinds of vehicles can you see. Describe them.
- Can you see any street vendors in the picture?
- What are he/she/they selling?
- What kind of clothes are the people wearing?
- How many people are in the picture?
- What do you call the orange garment that the vendor in the right is wearing?
Sample Answers
- The tall building is called the Charminar.
- Charminar is in the city of Hyderabad.
- (Yes, …. / No, ….)
- They seem to be waiting to take a ride to return home.
- I can see a taxi, an auto, and a push cart.
The taxi is a bright yellow.
The auto is green and yellow.
The pushcart is in blue and has four wheels. It has a covered top. - I can see one street vendor.
- He is selling different kinds of snacks, I think.
- The people are wearing (traditional) Indian clothes. (Saree, kurta-pyjama, salwar suit)
- There are 7 people in this picture.
- It’s an apron!
Critical Thinking Picture Composition for Class 1
What is similar between the two big structures?
Both the structures have four pillars.
Both seem like old buildings.
Similarities and Dissimilarities
The second structure on the right looks like a palace.
It has many curtains but Charminar does not have any curtains.
Picture Composition for Class 1: Activity 5
The Elephants in the Room
Indians love to have flowers, mangoes, elephants, and leaves printed on a lot of things. This family surely loves to have images of elephants around. They even seem to have a real elephant lurking outside their home.
Let’s find out what’s happening! Watch the picture and count your numbers!
Answer these questions based on the image.
- How many people are in the image?
- How many elephants are in the image?
- Where are the elephants?
- Is there a real elephant in the room?
- Is there a real elephant in the image?
- How many floor mats can you see?
- How many are men in the picture?
- What is the man on the couch doing?
- What are the other three people doing?
- Say the names of the objects in the room.
Sample Answers
- There are four people in the image.
- There are eight elephants in the image.
- Seven are on the objects in the room and one is outside the house. (Describe the location of each one)
- No, there isn’t.
- Yes, there is.
- I can see two floor mats.
- Two people in the image are men.
- He is playing the guitar.
- The other three are drinking a juice.
- There’s a couch, a side table, vase, a wall picture, two doormats, one big French window. a glass door, a ceiling lamp, a guitar, a potted plant, and a real elephant too.
Critical Thinking Picture Composition for Class 1
What will you do if you see an elephant outside your home?
Let your child’s imagination run free! Encourage the heroic thoughts, and protect the scared thoughts! Happy learning and English-speaking!
Picture Composition for Class 1: Activity 6
Summer Vacation at Grandparents’
Summer vacations are the best! We get so many holidays off from school. Plus, many of us can visit our grandparents, cousins, relatives and friends. Here’s a little girl telling about her summer vacations
Picture Description Worksheet for Class 1
Exercise 1: FIB
Use these hints to fill ten blanks that describe this picture composition for grade 1.
(cousins, blocks, city, house, trees, storybooks, holidays, carpet, windows, toys)
Picture Description Worksheet for Class 1 Answers
- We love going to our grandparents’ home in summer ……..
- Our grandparents live in another ……….
- I have two ….. who also come every summer.
- We pack all our favourite …. and take them too.
- Our grandparents have a big …..
- The house has big …. with glass on them.
- We can see the green …. outside.
- We play on the …. on the floor.
- I love my Lego ….
- Grandma keeps the …. in a black metal basket for us.
- We have loads of fun every vacation!
- holidays
- city
- cousins
- toys
- house
- windows
- trees
- carpet
- blocks
- storybooks
Picture Reading for Class 1 Worksheets |
Exercise 2: Name 10 objects in the room.
Picture Reading for Class 1 Worksheets Answers
- couches/sofas
- vase
- toys
- carton
- basket
- spectacles
- scarf
- pot
- blocks
- plant
Critical Thinking Picture Composition for Class 1
Do you know that you don’t always need toys to play games? Here are some good ideas. Feel free to check out more here! Let’s make sure you have no reason to be bored!
If grandma says, “No toys for today!” and locks up the room, how will you spend your day with your cousins? Name a few games or activities you can do!
Some Zero-Toys Games Ideas:
“That’s alright! I can still have lots of fun with my cousins. I will play:
- hopscotch
- antakshari with songs
- dumb charades
- tic tack toe
- take a walk in the park
- go swimming
- read a book
- draw pictures or color
- learn to dance or sing
- share stories or jokes
- hide and seek
- rock, paper, scissors
- chor-police
- make sand castles”
Wonderful! You are an imaginative kid! You know to really have fun! Ready for another fun activity?! So are we! Let’s start then!
Picture Composition for Class 1: Activity 7
My Day Goes From Sad To Happy!
From Sad To Happy At Home!
Write a little story about little girl, Pinky.
See the images and make your story!
Don’t we all have days when we feel sad about something. But then, someone will be sweet to us and make happy again!
Maybe your father or mother or sister or brother does something nice.
Imagine this little girl’s story from the image above.
Sample Picture Composition for Class 1 Activity 6
- Little girl Pinky was having a sad day.
- So her mom hugs her.
- Dad surprises her with a gift and balloons.
- Pinky smiles wide!
- Now, she is enjoying the happiness at home.
- Together they play and laugh all day.
- Her little brother Monu joins in, adding to the fun.
- It is a happy day at home for Pinky!
Now, would you like to share about a sad day in your life?
FAQs on Picture Composition for Class 1
How do I build critical thinking in my child?
Avoid questions with a yes or no answer. Instead, prefer to ask how or why questions which prompt longer responses. Read the segments on critical thinking exercises for each of the 7 activities for examples.
Can I have an example for asking a question that promotes critical thinking in this picture?
Yes, indeed! For instance, rather than asking, “Are the kids on the swing wearing similar clothes?”, which would elicit the response, “Yes,” which is minimal language practice, ask “How are the kids on the swing dressed?”
This will involve answering with a full sentence and requires your child to observe, analyze, and synthesize information before answering. Now, that is how critical thinking develops!
Are there any simple tips to help improve my child’s English through these exercises?
Yes, absolutely. When the child answers with a “yes” or “no,” gently get them to use a full sentence.
EnglishGeni hopes our learners have enjoyed these picture composition for class 1 exercises! Would you like to let us know how you feel? We would love to hear from you. Do drop a line for us below!
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