Play ‘Hot’ and ‘Cool’ ABC Games
Hey little ones, do you have the fire in your belly for some fire alphabet A to Z alphabet and vocabulary games and rhymes? These alphabets are full of energy and bright- just like you! If you are more of the cool kind, no problem, let’s play the icy blue fire alphabet A to Z games. So have fun as you play the hot or cool fire alphabet games and master your ABCs today!
Instead of constantly making the child feel the burden of studying, put in the driver’s seat and make them correct our fireman’s messed up alphabet song! Play games that will force your child to think of the right sequence of alphabets in a fun manner!
Let young minds give deep thought to crack these puzzle style games to make their words! Keep learning intelligent and fun with EnglishGeni.
Choose the alphabet games here based on your own level as we have four types here:
- Beginner Level Alphabet Games
- Beginner Level Vocabulary Games
- Intermediate Level Vocabulary Games
- Intermediate Level Group Games (All levels can adapt play)
The beginner level games are for little kids who are just about ready with their ABCs and understand everyday things fairly well.
The intermediate level games require kids to have vocabulary at least at the 3rd grade level. They are good enough for adults too who are looking for ways to keep their vocabulary sharp!
If you’re the kind to enjoy blending in number fun with alphabets or picture compositions or fruit trivia, we have some really neat games and exercises here:
Alphabet with Numbers: Play 12 Kid Fun Games
Picture Composition for Class 3
Picture Composition for Class 4
Picture Composition for Class 5
Discover 20 Exotic Fruits: From India & Beyond
Let’s start today’s lesson with a fun and rhythmic rhyme on the Fire Alphabets as you learn A to Z!

Here’s a rhyme on these flaming, fiery alphabets to start off the fun today!
ABC Rhyme: Fire Dragons Roam Free
In a land of lakes where dragons roam,
Letters of light in ABC homes.
“I’m made of fire” says A with pride,
B blazes bright on its right side.
C curls and swirls, its always free,
Daring D dances and sparks you’ll see.
E flickers and flares, it has its own flair,
F flies and flutters and floats in the air.
G glows with glee all over its face,
H hisses and hops in a humming race.
I says its all about radiant light,
J jumps and jolts to everyone’s fright.
K crackles and cackles when set ablaze,
L leaps and licks, like its a craze.
M melts and melds, in molten fire,
N never says no, never will tire.
O orbits around, in an orange hue,
P pops and prances, with flames anew.
Q quivers and quakes full of ire,
R roars and rages, with a lion of fire.
S sizzles and sparkles, with a crackling sound,
T twinkles and twirls, all around.
U undulates and uplifts, in the fiery theme,
V vanishes and vaporizes, like a fiery dream.
S sizzles and drizzles its scorching sound,
T twirls and twinkles with all around.
U undulates and waits for the fiery team,
V vanishes into air like a summer dream.
W whirls and wiggles, in the wildfire spin,
X x-rays and screams, with a fiery grin.
Y yawns but yearns in it’s slow pace,
Z zigzags and zaps and it wins this race.
So let’s sing with delight, our fiery ABC,
In the land of lakes, where dragons roam free!
With letters on fire, it’s learning delight,
Let’s sing the alphabet, be it day or night!
EnglishGeni hopes you enjoyed the rhyme! Repeat it many times to learn so many great words! Now let’s play a simple little alphabet game!
1. Beginner Level Alphabet Game 1
Here’s the first game in today’s exercises with Fire Alphabet A to Z!
Looks like our fireman had a tough day at work. He is singing his ABCs all messed up! Can you teach him to say them right, please? That would be so sweet of you, kiddos! Let’s hear him sing though!
Answer these questions referring to the ABC chart above
- Which is the first alphabet that the fireman forgot?
- The fireman sings: H-K-J-K. Can you correct what comes after H?
- The fireman sings M-L-P-Q after K. Can you correct him and tell him what 4 letters come between K and Q?
- Is Q-R-S-T-T correct?
- Looks like the fireman is really struggling with his ABCs. Which 3 alphabets does he repeat 2 times each?
- Does any alphabet repeat itself?
- Can you spot other alphabets the fireman repeated?
- We stopped at U. Can you finish the alphabet after that?
- How many alphabets are there in English?
- What is your favourite alphabet and why?
- G
- It’s H-I-J-K.
- It’s L-M-N-O-P-Q.
- No, it’s Q-R-S-T-U.
- The fireman wrongly repeats T-T, and V-V, and X-X.
- No!
- The fireman also repeated K-K and Q-Q.
- It’s V-W-X-Y-Z.
- There are 26 alphabets in English.
- [Sample answer: My favourite alphabet is S because my name starts with an ‘S’. It’s Sunny.]
Now that you know your Fire Alphabet A to Z, let’s play a little word game. Let’s see if you know which things are hot and which are not!
2. Beginner Level Vocabulary Games
Can you pick out the fire alphabet words from the list? Choose all the hot items by saying, “Yes, it’s HOT!” or by saying, “No, it’s NOT!”
Is it HOT?
- boiling water
- breeze
- water cooler
- heated iron box
- hot chocolate milk
- idli
- electricity
- a vegetable
- spicy mirchi bajji
- coconut water
Yes, it’s HOT! / No, it’s NOT!
- Yes, it’s HOT!
- No, it’s NOT!
- No, it’s NOT!
- Yes, it’s HOT!
- Yes, it’s HOT!
- No, it’s NOT!
- Yes, it’s HOT!
- No, it’s NOT!
- Yes, it’s HOT!
- No, it’s NOT!
Blue Fire Alphabet A to Z
Well, it’s nice to be strong like the fire but it’s great to be cool and calm like the ice as well. So let’s review the Blue Fire Alphabet from A to Z as well. It’s time for our cool blue fire alphabet A to Z! Take a look!
Question: Is our little girl saying her ABCs right? Can you check, please?
Answer: Yes, she got the ABCs perfectly right!
Then let’s see if you can tell apart the cool things.
Can you pick out the cool blue alphabet words from the list? Separate all the cool or cold things from the list below. When a thing is hot, you’ll say, “It’s HOT!” and when something is cool, you go, “It’s COOL!” Let’s start our game now.
Is it HOT or COOL?
- air conditioner
- pans at food stalls
- ice cream
- sun
- cool pack
- cup of hot tea
- rain
- refrigerator
- boiling milk
- frozen peas
It’s HOT! / It’s COOL!
- It’s COOL!
- It’s HOT!
- It’s COOL!
- It’s HOT!
- It’s COOL!
- It’s HOT!
- It’s COOL!
- It’s COOL!
- It’s HOT!
- It’s COOL!
3. Intermediate Level Vocabulary Games
As mentioned in the introductory part, the intermediate level vocabulary games are ideal for those in middle school or at least above 3rd grade. However, if you are smart and would like to test out your vocabulary prowess, we’re rooting for you!
Do you know that in the dance form ‘Tango’ it’s always a pair of dancers? That means there are a couple or two people who dance together. In the same manner, all alphabets here stick to an alphabet on its right or left.
OBJECTIVE: You have to make 3, 4 or more letter words following these rules.
- You have to make 3, 4 or more letter words but the pairs cannot separate- the ‘Tango Pairs’.
- They can switch from right to left though, just like Tango dancers do! For example, |AB| can switch to |BA|
- The Alphabet Tango pairs can attach to single alphabets or another Tango pair to make sensible words!
- But they must still remain in pairs, so singles can tag to left or right of the pair. Eg: |AB| can attach to single |C to become |CAB|.
- You can make Tango pairs from one block or two blocks.
- You can double the consonants (not vowels, a,e,i,o,u!) but they have to stick together after you double: eg: |SS| or |TT|
Now, come up with some words! Get your thinking cap on!
Answers for the Tango Blue Fire Alphabet A to Z Game:
Here are some sample answers but you can make many more words for the Tango blue fire alphabet A to Z game!
1.|OP|shuffles to |PO| and takes on D to become |POD|
2.|AB|shuffles to |BA| and takes on N to become |BAN|.
3.|NO| adds to |T| to become |NOT|.
4.|HI| adds to |DE| and becomes |HIDE|.
5.|ST| adds to |OP| to become |STOP|
6.|ST| adds to |AB| to become |STAB|.
7.|NO| adds to |DE| to become |NODE|.
8.|HI| adds to |GH| to become |HIGH|.
9.|HI| adds to doubled |SS| to become |HISS|.
10.|OP| shuffles to |PO| and adds to |ST| to become |POST|.
Let’s play another alphabet vocabulary game and this time it’s going to be threesomes! The game is getting harder, so you need to think smarter! Give it a try!
As the name implies, it means 3-alphabets will stick together or shuffle amongst themselves. Just like the game above, the three can add a new single or a pair to the left or right!
OBJECTIVE: Make 4 or more letter words
- Here are the rules to play alphabet threesome.
- Pick any three alphabets in a row.
- They are a “threesome” and always stick together.
- However, you can change their order as you with so long is no one comes between them!
- Example: If you pick “ABC” as your threesome, then you can use them as “CBA” or “BAC” etc.
- You can also take a Two-to-Tango pair and make them a threesome. ie. only one of the alphabet from the two alphabets can repeat.
- Example: If your two-to-tango were “AB” you can use them as “ABB” “AAB” or “ABA” “BBA” “ABB” “BAB” etc!
- So, |ABC| becomes |BAC| + |K| = |BACK|.
- You can repeat any one of the “threesome” to make a four letter word.
Answers for the Threesome Blue Fire Alphabet A to Z Game:
- |DEF| shuffles to |FED| and E doubles to become |FEED|.
- |MNO| shuffles to |MON| and doubles O to become |MOON|.
- |NOP| adds to |E| to become |NOPE|.
- |STU| shuffles to |UST| and adds to |R| to become |RUST|.
It’s more fun when you play with a group of kids! Now we amp up the fun with a Fire Alphabet Bingo game that’s best for group play! Here is how the rules go!
4. Group Game For All Levels
These games can be adapted to just two players too! Read the instructions and they work the same whether it’s a couple of kids or a larger group.
1: Fire Alphabet A to Z Bingo:
Bingo is a popular children’s game. Many a times adults love to play it too. Why not have some interactive learning via this fire alphabet A to Z version of this staple game! Here’s how you could go about. You can vary the rules to fit the kids!
Download the Fire Alphabet A to Z Chart PDF for activity here:
- Print out the Fire Alphabet PDF from the link above.
- Print as many copies as your game would need.
- Cut along the dotted lines to have individual alphabets and stick on to cut up cardstock or old playing cards around the house.
- Create fire bingo cards with letters from A to Z randomly arranged.
- Decide on an equal number of alphabet cards to hand to each child.
- Announce how many rounds of Bingo would be played i.e. how many words will have to be found before the game ends!
- Give kids time to observe what alphabets they got!
- Instead of calling out plain letters, call out “Fire Alphabet” and the alphabet name each time to create excitement (e.g., “Fire Alphabet C” instead of “Letter C”).
- Kids mark the corresponding letters on their cards.
- The first one to get a complete word shouts “Fire Alphabet Bingo!” and wins.
- Repeat till you hit the declared number of words!
- Declare the FIERY WINNERS!
2. Alphabet Match Game
This is a fairly simple alphabet game that kids of any age can play with adult supervision. Do help kids with matching up the number values correctly.
- Make pairs of cards, each with a letter and its corresponding number (e.g., A=1, B=2).
- Shuffle the cards and lay them face down in a stack.
- Each kid comes and takes a turn to pick the first two cards in the stack.
- Count the total of the two cards.
- The kids with the top two highest totals keep standing in the assigned “WINNER” and “RUNNER-UP” positions.
- As the game rolls on, the winner and runner-up positions keep changing.
- When the deck of cards end, whoever is still at the “Winner” position and the “Runner-Up” position are the ultimate winners of the game!
FAQs on Fire Alphabet A to Z
How do activities like these help learners?
It is very important that learning be interactive and fun, especially for the young ones. Rather than making learners repeatedly write the alphabet, get them to play games like these where their minds are totally occupied in making connections with the letters, their sequence, and the sounds they make with words. This is a much better way to learn the alphabet.
Can the Fire Alphabet game be substituted with the regular alphabet printed on paper?
Of course, you can! The idea with using fire or blue ice alphabet is to break the monotony for kids. Just another little use of vibrant color and emotions tied to the colors and seasons that makes them gravitate to learning. But yes, by all means, you could use plain alphabets in black and white too.
Is there a way to make my young kid also enjoy the Two-to-Tango game here?
If your kid is old enough to grasp the logic, which many kids do, you could use paper and crayons to quickly write up the alphabet. Else, you can print out the sheet we provide here. Or, if you have the a-b-c wooden blocks try offering in pairs the blocks your child chooses, sticking a little cello tape, so the child knows they need to be used together. Shuffle when you need to with more tape!
With that, the lesson on fire alphabet A to Z comes to an end. Do try out more fun games and keep your learning going briskly at EnglishGeni. If you love challenging alphabet and number games or maybe some engaging stories, checkout the suggested links below:
Alphabet with Numbers: Play 12 Kid Fun Games
Top Ten 5 Lines Short Stories with Moral
Would love to see bright real images of hundreds of fruits from around the world? Click link below:
Fruits Encyclopedia Pillar Page (Links to 8 posts on different Fruit types)