EnglishGeni presents Picture Composition for Class 5 with 7 images and several sub-images showing a variety of real life aspects: life on a farm, a rainy day, a boy and his friends, night owls, the game of football, garden creatures and much more! Further, we take a staggered approach to building your English language skills.
Do check out EnglishGeni’s main pillar post on how to do picture composition though this lesson can be used on its own too.
All tasks end with a summary of picture description, but with smaller vocabulary, observation and analytical tasks built in as well. There are some poetic versus too that test your English comprehension!
Enjoy the rigor and the ease of speaking in good English with these picture composition for class 5 tasks below!
Lesson Objective:
The tasks are designed to be used for speaking and writing practice.
Picture Composition for Class 5: Task 1. A Stormy Day
All of us have experienced a stormy, rainy day at one time or another. Look at the picture below where a town is facing bad weather.
Describe the image you see above in 12 or more sentences. Make sure you speak about all the elements in the image.
Take a minute or so to observe all the elements, briefly jot down your thoughts if you need to, and then speak for at least 2 minutes. Else, write out your thoughts.
Sample Picture Composition for Class 5
Here is a sample picture composition for class 5 on the theme, “A stormy day”.
Total Words: 112
Speaking Time: 40 Seconds
- There is heavy rain and wind.
- There is lightening in the sky.
- The trees are blowing hard in the wind.
- Water is splashing up on to the houses.
- Two school girls are sharing an umbrella.
- One of them is wearing her backpack front to back.
- I think she wants to protect her books from the rain.
- The man in the right corner looks sad, due to the rain maybe.
- The lady in a long coat, boots with a brown umbrella looks tall.
- The girl next to her is short.
- The short girl’s bag is flying in the breeze.
- Her umbrella has flipped backward and looks ready to fly free from her hand!
Extended Picture Composition for Class 5
Practice Exercise 2: Describe a rainy day experience that you’ve had!
Picture Composition for Class 5 Vocabulary Exercise 3
Write 12 words that you can associate with rain.
Sample Vocabulary for Picture Composition for Class 5
Check the answers below if you failed to come up with 12 words related to rain.
- wet
- damp
- soak
- puddle
- muddy
- raincoat
- umbrella
- towel-dry
- thunder
- lightening
- clouds
- raindrops
Picture Composition for Class 5: Task 2. Farm Life
Here is an image that shows you with four sub-images life on a country farm. Observe the multiple elements in the image quickly. Now, start composing a picture composition for class 5 level either by writing or just framing ideas mentally.
In a couple of minutes you must get down to either speaking or writing down your thoughts on the image.
Describe the first image in 4 sentences.
- Hints for image section.1 in 4 sentences.
many animals
- Hints for image section.2 in 4 sentences.
store grain
like a park
not lazy life
work hard
- Hints for image section.3 in 4 sentences.
harvest produce
in crates to market
plough potatoes
eggs from coops
Hints for image section.1 in 4 sentences.
parents and grandparents
small basket
I wish…
Sample Picture Composition for Class 5
Part 1
Many animals live on a farm
Ducks love to live around water.
Rabbits make their own burrows on farms!
Farmers grow produce like fruits and vegetables on their farms.
Part 2
Kids find farms very exciting.
Most farms have barns or silos to store grain.
Farms feel like big parks with animals too.
But one cannot live lazily on a farm.
One has to work hard and take care of plants and animals.
Part 3
When farmers harvest their produce, it’s a happy time.
They collect their produce in crates and take to the market.
The plough potatoes from underground.
They collect eggs laid by hen from the coops.
Here, pigs live out in the open, not in tiny pens!
Part 4
I feel excited to help on the farm.
My parents and grandparents collect all the fresh fruits.
I carry the fruits in a small basket and help them.
Everything smells so fresh and good!
I wish I could live on a farm forever!
Exercise 4:
Blend all 4 Picture Compositions.
Now, combine all four image descriptions and you have a long essay ready! Congratulations!!
Exercise 5:
Describe the pictures in your words.
Write 2 lines about each fascinating object!
- windmill
- wooden barrels
- fences
- farming tools
Here’s how our farmer talks of these objects in a rather poetic way! Enjoy and then finish your task:
- “My windmill spins tirelessly, harnessing the wind’s might.”
- “With every turn, it grinds the grains, a heartbeat of my farm’s might.”
Wooden barrels:
- “These barrels hold the essence of our harvest’s yield.”
- “Crafted from sturdy wood, they preserve our farm’s story, sealed.”
- “Fences stand tall, guardians of our fields and flock.”
- “With each post driven, they mark the boundaries we’ve unlocked.”
Farming tools:
- “In the hands of toil, these tools shape our earth’s embrace.”
- “With each plow and pitchfork, we cultivate life’s grace.”
Critical Thinking Exercise on Task 2
Describe what living creatures and objects you want to have on your farm!
Imagine a day of your life on your farm and write a short essay!
Try to speak aloud what you wrote in your essay! Yes, you can do it!
Picture Description for Class 5: Task 3.
Describe These Classic Games in the Image
Here are some games that are commonly played by all kids. Now, imagine that you have to tell these young kids how they are supposed to play as they are not aware of these games. How would you instruct them.
You will need to give oral instructions to play the following games:
1) hopscotch
2) play ball with 2 people or as teams
3) tug of war
4) jump rope with two turners
Sample Picture Description for Class 5
Watch these instructions, read them once or more to understand the game rules and the English language used well, and then instruct on your own! Give this a good try.
Here are simple instructions for each of the games you mentioned:
How to Play Hopscotch
Here’s how one plays the classic game of hopscotch. Best part is you just need a chalk for a hard floor or a stick to make markings on the ground and you could get started!
- Draw a hopscotch grid on the ground with chalk. It usually consists of a series of numbered squares.
- Each player takes turns tossing a small stone or marker onto the grid.
- The player then hops through the grid, avoiding the square with the marker in it.
- Players must hop on one foot in single squares and use two feet in side-by-side squares.
- Players continue until they complete the grid, then they turn around and hop back, picking up the marker along the way.
- If a player steps on a line, misses a square, or loses balance, their turn ends, and the next player goes.
- The first player to complete the course wins.
How to Play Ball with 2 People or Teams
This is one of the simplest games to play but that doesn’t mean it is any less fun that games that need a huge field or a team. In fact, you could play in teams too! Just make sure you have a ball to play with!
- Choose teams or determine who will play against whom.
- Decide on the rules of the game (e.g., volleyball, basketball, soccer).
- Begin the game with a serve or a kickoff depending on the sport.
- Players or teams take turns hitting or passing the ball to each other.
- The objective is to score points by getting the ball into the opponent’s goal or by following the rules of the specific game.
- Keep playing until a decided point limit is reached or a certain amount of time has passed.
- The team or player with the most points at the end wins.
How to Play Tug of War
Do you know that tug-of-war has been played in England and Scotland for centuries? Read what Britannica says about the history of this game. In fact, they have some rural competitions even today. Let’s review the rules of the game then!
- Divide players into two teams and designate a center point with a marker or rope.
- Each team grabs hold of one end of a long, sturdy rope.
- On the signal to start, both teams pull the rope in opposite directions, trying to drag the other team across the center point.
- The team that successfully pulls the other team across the center point wins.
How to Play Jump Rope with Two Turners
Again, we are talking about a classic game that just needs a sturdy rope that a few energetic kids to get started. However, the game calls for coordination and rhythm! So, stay alert. Here’s how you play:
- Two people hold either end of a long jump rope.
- The person or people who will jump stand in the middle of the rope.
- The turners swing the rope over the jumper’s head, with the jumper timing their jumps to avoid being caught by the rope.
- The jumper(s) can jump continuously or perform different jump rope tricks.
- The game continues until the jumper(s) decide to stop or if they get caught by the rope.
Now that you know how to play these four classic games, what are you waiting for? Gather together your friends and start playing! Have fun with these classic games!
Picture Composition for Class 5: Task 4. My Closest Friends
We all have friends, don’t we? But they are not all the same. Each is different and precious. We do different things with different people. Can you describe your top three closest friends?

Here’s our character Raju in the picture talking about his besties!
1) his friend, lil girl, Anita
2) his friend, lil boy, Ramesh
3) his friend, boy Anand
4) how Raju, Anita, Ramesh, and Anand have a good time together.
Describe on your own or see the samples first!
Sample Picture Composition for Grade 5
Raju talks about his friend, Anita:
Anita is my friend. She has pretty hair and likes to play with dolls.
We laugh and sing songs together. Anita is always nice to me.
I like sharing my toys with Anita. She’s my best friend!
Raju talks about his friend, little boy Ramesh:
Ramesh is my friend. He’s small like me and likes to run and play.
We play with cars and trucks together. Ramesh has a big smile!
Ramesh likes chocolate ice cream. We giggle a lot when we play!
Raju talks about his friend, boy Anand:
Anand is my friend. He’s tall and strong and likes to build things.
We build towers with blocks and pretend to be superheroes.
Anand has a cool bike. We race around the playground together!
Raju talks about his besties
–How he, Anita, Ramesh, and Anand have a good time together:
Me, Anita, Ramesh, and Anand have so much fun together!
We play games, share snacks, and go on adventures.
When we’re together, we laugh and smile all day long. We’re the best team ever!
Well, you should be ready describe your own besties now. Use these as a model if you struggle. Try talking about one friend, and when you feel more confident, describe more friends!
Picture Composition for Class 5: Task 5. Night Owls
Let’s give a different twist on this one. Here’s a poem about a little boy who loves to read at night.
Read this poem below on the image and rewrite into a short picture composition for class 5 describing the boy or imagining the boy or the girl to be you!
POEM on the Image:
Read this poem below on the image and rewrite into a short essay describing the boy or imagining the boy or the girl to be you!
Late at night, when the world is asleep, Our little bookworm's adventures take a leap. Under his blanket, he reads with delight, With each turn of page, his imagination takes flight. Late at night, when the world is asleep, Our little bookworm's adventures take a leap. Under his blanket, he reads with delight, With each turn of page, his imagination takes flight. But wait! What's this? His sister spies, His secret reading spot, a look of surprise. She giggles and grins, then quietly creeps, Under the blanket, where story secrets she keeps. Together they read, with whispers so low, Their own little world, with tales to bestow. Nighttime readers, hidden from sight, Their love for stories, shining bright as starlight.
Sample Picture Composition for Class 5
Learning the English language can be done in so many different ways! Have an open mind and get over your hesitation and it becomes relaxing fun! In case, you need help with speaking up on the image, here’s a sample writing.
Total Words: 140
Speaking Time: 1 to 1.5 minutes
“This boy loves to read at night. He hides under his blanket and reads secretly. He slowly turns on the night lamp without making any noise. His parents will scold him if they find out he reads in bed, under his blanket. It is not good his eyes, they tell him.
But, his sister finds out and she joins him under the blanket. They both love to read. So, they share the book and read together. They find something funny as they read. But, they have to muffle their laughter lest their parents hear them! They are real night owls.
The brother and sister soon begin to yawn and feel tired. They put away the book and fall asleep. Next day, they finish reading the book after returning from school. They decide to read in the day more often and avoid reading in bed!”
Picture Composition for Class 5: Task 6. Life Stories of Bugs & More
Little insects and bugs are part of our ecosystems and add to the charm of our living world! Now, in the image below you see these four wonderful creatures who have made someone’s backyard their home! They want to tell us their life stories.
EnglishGeni would like you to listen, imagine yourself to be the storyteller and say or write similar stories for these creatures below in five sentences each:
1) honeybees
2) caterpillars
3) snakes
4) frogs.
If you struggle some, not to worry, we will provide you with some sample inspiration before you take the leap to speaking or writing on your own!
Sample Picture Composition for Class 5
These sentences make learning about these creatures fun! Check them out!
Honeybees buzz around flowers collecting nectar.
They bring the nectar back to their hive to make yummy honey.
Inside the hive, they dance to tell other bees where to find good flowers.
Worker bees clean the hive while the queen bee lays eggs.
Honeybees work hard all day, making sweet honey for us to enjoy!
Caterpillars start as tiny eggs on leaves.
They munch and crunch on leaves, growing bigger and bigger.
Eventually, they spin a cozy cocoon around themselves.
Inside the cocoon, they transform into beautiful butterflies.
Caterpillars show us that change can be magical!
Snakes slither around quietly, looking for tasty treats.
They use their flickering tongues to smell and find food.
Some snakes can be big and scary, while others are small and harmless.
Snakes shed their old skin when they grow too big.
Even though some people are afraid of snakes, they play an important role in nature!
Frogs love to hop around in ponds and puddles.
They have long, sticky tongues to catch bugs for dinner.
Frogs make funny croaking sounds to talk to each other.
Tadpoles start as tiny eggs and grow into hopping frogs.
Frogs can jump really far, but they need to be careful of hungry birds!
Inspired now, we hope! So get talking. Or, use these hints, jot down on a piece of paper, and start aiming to speak for 1-minute or more each time!
Picture Composition for Class 5: Task 7. Football & More
You see this across all schools in every country perhaps! We have already detailed two of these games in one of the picture composition tasks above. This is to give you enough preparation so that speaking tasks get easier!
Describe this picture in simple error-free sentences! Recollect your past learning!
Picture Composition for Class 5 Worksheet 1
Describe the picture in 6 to 10 sentences.
Sample Picture Composition for Class 5
Blend the 7 exercises below and speak up!
Since this is a concluding task with plenty of preparation ahead of the exercise, we will not provide a sample answer: Instead you will find these small exercises that you can combine to make sentences that blend into a paragraph. Once you do, your essay is ready to write or speak up!
Picture Composition for Class 5 Worksheet 2: Q&As
How many activities can you see in the image?
-jump rope
How many kids are focused on the ball?
Three kids- two boys and a girl
What is the man in yellow called?
A referee
What is the man/woman who rules over the game in cricket called?
An umpire
What are the two kids on the left with raised hands doing?
They are waving.
Is everyone wearing a uniform?
How many people are in the image?
12 people are in the image.
We hope you can see that even if you are not able to write 6 to 10 sentences on picture composition for Class 5, you can use the answers to the 7 questions above and make a good essay!
FAQs on Picture Composition for Class 5
I have used the smaller tasks first on each of the exercises rather than doing the main picture composition task. Am I too slow?
Your focus should be on improving though it is important to know where you stand. Aim to get better with each task and follow the instructions. If you do, you will certainly start to see improvements over the 7 tasks.
Is it necessary to do all 7 tasks?
EnglishGeni focuses on building English language skills. Practice is a must, and so also, the step by step approach where you take help in the initial stages till you acquire the required level of language skills needed for a task. The 7 tasks are staggered in a way to permit the skill enhancement for all learners.
Those were 7 independent tasks on picture composition for class 5! Each task had further sub-tasks to help you speak English fluently. We hope you practice well and supercharge your English skills. That’s what EnglishGeni is here for! Keep improving, kids!
Check out more complex tasks for adults or less complex picture compositions for younger kids from below.
Fruits Encyclopedia Pillar Page (Links to 8 posts on different Fruit types)
Picture Composition- 40 to fit any level (Links to 6 posts for Grade 1 to Grade 6)
Master Pillar page for Picture Descriptions (Links to 5 Basic to Intermediate
picture-tasks for adults)- Write a letter to a friend: 11 topics
- Degrees of Comparison: 250 Simplified Examples for 6 Rules
- 35 Degrees of Comparison Worksheet Sets for Intense Practice
- Past Indefinite Tense: Structure, Rules and Examples