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Picture Composition for Class 6: Selfie Champ

Here’s the latest lesson on the series with picture composition for class 6. Here, we will use 5 picture composition for class 6 exercises that will enable even the struggling 6th grader to build his skills. While we use picture descriptions as the means to work on English skills, you will gain far more than just picture reading abilities.

This lesson ties to the major pillar post on how to do picture composition properly in detail while this post is centered around the needs of picture composition for class 6 students.

For more thorough and detailed help, you may want to check out the main article first. in any case, you can practice quite well with just this lesson too. Skip to task 5 to see basic level composition writing sample along with intermediate level.

Along with speaking and writing skill enhancement, EnglishGeni also provides contextual reading references on topics to aid learners with preparation. How you scale (up? or, down?) is up to you! We offer the entire spectrum of picture composition complexity and fun here!

Picture Composition for Class 6: Task 1.

A Camping Trip

For this picture composition task one, write 4 sentences each about this camping trip using the hints in the image. Also, write a short conclusion on this camping adventure.

Picture Composition for Class 6 task 1 on a camping trip broken into 3 picture and writing segments. Image by Freepik

Part 1: A group of adults use a travel map when they want to go camping.

Part 2: They set up with camping tents by night and retire.

Part 3: Next morning, they have a fun camping day.

Sample Picture Composition for Class 6

Part 1: Plan with a travel map

A group of adults gathers around a travel map, planning their camping adventure.
They discuss routes, landmarks, and potential campsites, eager for the journey ahead.
With the map as their guide, they choose a scenic spot deep in the woods.
Excitement fills the air as they prepare to embark on their outdoor expedition.

Part 2: Set up camp site

As night falls, the group arrives at their chosen campsite and begins setting up tents.
They work together, pitching tents under the starry sky, illuminated by flickering campfires.
With tents securely in place, they settle in for a night of rest beneath the moonlit canopy.
Surrounded by nature’s symphony, they drift off to sleep, filled with anticipation for the adventures to come.

Part 3: Experience camping

As the sun rises, the camp comes alive with the sounds of nature and the smell of breakfast cooking.
The group gathers around the barbecue, flipping burgers and toasting buns, paneer and fresh vegetables.
They unfold their chairs and table, laying out a picnic mat for a leisurely outdoor meal.
Sheltered beneath a large parasol umbrella, they savor the simple joys of camping, surrounded by laughter and camaraderie(friendship).


Together, they create cherished memories under the open sky, reaffirming the beauty of nature and the bonds of friendship forged amidst the wilderness.

Critical Thinking Exercise on Picture Composition for Class 6

Now that you have had the chance to practice with a sample picture description for class 6, go ahead and imagine that you are planning a camping event. Here are your tasks to talk about for 2 minutes.

Make a social media post (Facebook, Instagram, etc.,) inviting people to join the camping trip.

  1. Inform people about the rules: the do’s and don’ts. [Read the article if you need some help.]
  2. Inform people about the schedule.
  3. Mention the places and activities you will be undertaking.
  4. Ask interested persons to send a request to put be put on a waiting list to join the trip.
  5. Ask people to pay upon being selected from the waiting list.
  6. Provide payment and contact information.

Picture Composition for Class 6: Task 2.

How to take selfies

In the image below, you can see three selfies being clicked. Write how each of them will describe how to take a selfie in about 4 sentences each! Feel free to read this article once to become familiar with taking good selfies if you don’t feel well prepared for the picture composition task.

Part 1: A couple standing together and taking a pic of both of them.
Part 2: A man using a selfie stick and doing it on his own.
Part 3: A lady using the front camera of her smartphone and doing it.

Picture Composition for Class 6 on taking selfies with 3 sets of different instructions.
Picture Description for Class 6 task 2 on taking selfies with 3 sets of different instructions. Image by Freepik

Imagine you are the one taking the selfie in each of the three parts. If you had to instruct someone how to do it, how would you describe the steps. Describe for all three parts. Your answer would be ideally between 200 to 300 words in all.

Sample Picture Composition for Class 6

Part 1: Two in the Frame

“Hello friends, here are some tips to help you take great selfies! Follow the instructions and have fun capturing memories forever!

  • Stand close together and hold the camera at arm’s length.
  • Make sure the lighting is good, and always face towards the natural light.
  • Then, smile and pose naturally!
  • Also, avoid harsh shadows or awkward angles.
  • And yes, please keep the background neat and clutter-free for a clear picture.

That’s it! You can take great selfies that you’ll love to see later.”

Part 2: Using a Selfie Stick

“Hello, don’t worry about taking a picture on your own. The selfie stick makes it really easy. Here’s how you do it!

  • First, extend the selfie stick to get a wider view of yourself.
  • Check the lighting and adjust your position to avoid dark shadows.
  • Always smile confidently even if you feel a bit awkward!
  • Remember to hold the camera steady to capture a clear image.
  • Please avoid distracting backgrounds.
  • If there are any unnecessary objects in the frame, take them away.

Now, you can click the button on the selfie stick and get a great picture of yourself!”

Part 3: Front Camera Suffices

“Hello photo enthusiasts! I like to take a quick picture. I keep it simple. Do this:

  • Just hold your smartphone with the front camera facing you.
  • This way, you can see if you fit in the frame properly.
  • Prefer soft and natural lighting to flatter your features.
  • Open the windows and curtains if you need more light.
  • Or, turn on the lights in the room.
  • Now, angle the phone slightly above eye level for a flattering perspective.
  • Avoid using flash during the day.

That’s all it takes to capture a nice selfie! Try it out!”

Critical Thinking Exercise on Picture Description for Grade 6

Imagine that you’re a smartphone designer who is responsible for the camera capabilities. Talk for two minutes on how to use your brand’s camera to take the best selfies. Be creative and sound like you’re the best in the market! Use the information from the previous exercise.

Picture Description for Class 6: Task 3.

Riding To and From Airports

We all have the experience of going to the bus station, the railway station to go from one place to another. Many of you may have flown in airplanes too. Well, for this picture composition, you will describe in three segments about traveling to and from the airport back home.

If you have never gone to an airport, watch a YouTube video of an air trip and attempt the picture composition below. Your total write up could be about 100-110 words

Picture Composition for Class 6 task 3 on taking rides to and from airports in three steps

This is a 3-part task. Make 4 sentences each about these 3 topics:

1) using airport taxis

2) how dispatchers work to coordinate

3) how a VIP uses private chaffered cars.

Write a short concluding composition summary statement as well.

Sample Picture Description for Class 6

Let us compose picture description for grade 6 treating each sub-image as a sub-section. However, like any normal essay, the conclusion clubs all three sections together.

Using Airport Taxis:

When arriving at the airport, we find taxis waiting outside.
We tell the driver our destination and they take us there. Many use Google Maps.
The fare is based on how far we go, and is shown on a meter.
It’s convenient and fast, but we should always make sure the driver is from a licensed company.

How Dispatchers Work to Coordinate:

Dispatchers receive calls for taxis and assign them to drivers.
They use computers or radios to communicate with drivers.
Dispatchers track where taxis are and which ones are available.
Their job is to make sure taxis get to passengers quickly and efficiently.

How a VIP Uses Private Chauffeured Cars:

VIPs have private cars and drivers waiting for them.
They schedule pickups and drop-offs according to their plans.
The cars are luxurious and comfortable.
VIPs can travel in style and privacy, with their driver at their service.

Summary Conclusion:

Airport taxis provide quick transport, dispatchers coordinate taxis efficiently, while VIPs enjoy luxury and privacy with chauffeured cars.

Picture Composition for Class 6: Task 4.

Write The Boardgame Rules

Imagine you are the creator of this boardgame. You will notice that it is patterned like the snakes and ladders game. The farmer starts on the first block, then has to finish a series of tasks before he can reach home- the barn! Notice the different pictorial hints for the task and speak about all of them.

Picture composition for class 6 task 4 to make rules for boardgame where farmer needs to finish a sequence of tasks.
Picture composition for class 6 to make rules for boardgame where farmer needs to finish a sequence of tasks to reach the barn.

Picture Description for Class 6:

This one should be loads of fun! Use your imagination apart from the clues to make the game simple or complicated! It’s up to you and your word prowess! If you think you have a mastermind, demonstrate it with your rules!

Here’s a sample rule-set for your reference!

“Hello friends! Let’s play a new boardgame today.
The game starts with a roll of dice with 2 or more players.
We each take a turn and roll out bits as per the number from our throw of dice.

  1. Watch out! Before you land on 10, you need to feed the puppy. Maybe the rooster too.
  2. At 15, make sure you take care of the cows.
  3. At 20, it’s time for a stopover at the house. Nice rest!
  4. At 25, check up on our duck in the pond!
  5. On 30? Hmm, hope the windmill is working alright.
  6. At 32, don’t be scared but we have a scarecrow.
  7. Recover soon because there’s no stopping until 42! Give some grain to the rooster and you’re good to go!
  8. It’s time to race fast. If you’re lucky, you land on 60.
  9. On 60? Lucky you! The piglet is launching you on to 75!
  10. Not so lucky? Then stop to take care of the sheep and pick up the vegetables for lunch!
  11. Tiring already! Fine, take a short break at 82 in the grain storage.
  12. Don’t stop now, keep going! You’re almost there. It’s 95, our building to store stocks. Make sure it’s locked and safe!
  13. It’s been a hard day for you. Rest at home on 100!

Let’s start again when you’re ready!”

Note: Have fun making quirky, funny rules for the game, kids!

Picture Composition for Class 6: Task 5.

Food & Floor Sitting Culture

As this task wraps up the picture composition for Class 6, let’s recap the basic rules again.

Picture Composition for Class 6 task 5 on taking meals on the floor in Indian and other Asian cultures
Picture Composition for Class 6 task 5 on taking meals on the floor in Indian and other Asian cultures. Image by Freepik

Quick Recap on Basic Picture Composition Methodology

We speak on the theme (what is happening), where the situation is occurring, who is in the image, what objects you can see and a summary statement.

Basic Picture Composition:

In this picture, we can see a family have lunch while seated on the floor. This could be either at home or on a picnic, because we do not see platters but just a food basket and food items. Behind the family is a lovely decorative vase with flower bunches.

It’s a family consisting of parents and their two children, a boy and a girl. They are seated on a large floor mat. The mother is serving the food and the family seems to be in a pleasant mood. It looks like sandwiches, fresh fruit, bottled juice and other food is being shared.

Intermediate Picture Composition:

Note: You can bring in depth with additional details on clothing and appearance of the family members. You could also talk about Asian cultures like Japanese who also used to have meals on the floor just like Indians. Read this article to know more!

Speak about any Indian cultural aspects you are aware of with regard to partaking meals while being seated on the floor.

Sample Picture Composition for Class 6

Total Words: 195
Speaking Time: 1.5 to 2 minutes

“In many Asian cultures, including Indian, Japanese, and others, dining on the floor was a traditional practice deeply rooted in history and culture. Families would gather around low tables, carpets, or mats placed directly on the floor. This creates a homely and intimate communal dining experience.

Many traditional families follow this practice even today as it symbolizes humility, as sitting on the floor was seen as a sign of respect and equality among all members of the household. It also promoted closeness and harmony, allowing for face-to-face interactions and shared meals.

Additionally, eating on the floor is believed to have health benefits, such as aiding digestion and promoting good posture. This is asserted in Indian yoga as well. In Japanese culture, the practice of sitting on tatami mats during meals, known as “zashiki” style, emphasized simplicity and mindfulness in dining that is believed to give a sense of happiness along with satiety

Although modernization and urbanization have led to changes in such floor dining habits, this tradition remains significant in many Indian and Asian households and is often preserved during special occasions or cultural events, serving as a reminder of cultural heritage and values.”

FAQs on Picture Composition for Class 6

Why does the last task show writing at 2 levels?

The lesson is a part of a series that goes from the elementary picture composition techniques all the way up to advanced levels. This is an intermediate level exercise that we are wrapping one segment with. The two levels demonstrate to you on how the English language level goes up from basic to intermediate levels of writing.

If I cannot write do picture composition for class 6 though I’m in grade-6, what should I do?

Feel free to try tasks for lower grades. it’s a matter of time and practice before you can scale up to the English skills called for at the level of picture composition for class 6.

Is there a more advanced level too? How is it different?

Yes, there are picture description tasks at a higher level that anyone wanting to work on building better vocabulary and more advanced sentence structures can try out. Check the links below.


EnglishGeni designs lessons with care and targeted objectives. This picture composition for class 6 wraps up the lessons at the middle school level.

There are more advanced levels suitable for adults or those willing to put in more serious effort. When the time feels right to step up your English further, you could check those posts! Happy English learning! See the links below to know more.

Hina M.
Hina M.http://englishgeni.com
I'm a seasoned English trainer with a TESOL Professional Certification from Arizona State University, USA, and a Masters in Commerce from India. My professional journey has been a whirlwind of teaching, crafting curriculum, and mastering the art of words as an editor and advertising copywriter for over two decades. Plus, enjoyed a long-term American tie-up for a business venture, among other corporate leadership roles. In spite of my corporate success, my passion for education burns bright, combined with a deep desire to make quality English learning accessible to all Indians. EnglishGeni is my brainchild, born out of this desire.

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